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Contract Creation and Management


Submitted By gvanhoosier
Words 963
Pages 4
Contract Creation and Management Assignment Paper
George Van Hoosier
LAW 531
June 26, 2012
Dr. Beverly Spencer
Contract Creation and Management The scenario presented is on contractual conflicts. In summary, a software development company and a hotel company entered into a business partnership to develop an electronic reservation system for the hotel company. The groundwork of the plan changed and obfuscated what was expected by both parties. These changes were not communicated well enough, both internally and externally, to accommodate these changes (University of Phoenix, 2002). This case presented how a contract between parties was prepared, but what was required was not clear to either party. To further complicate matters, as the project requirements became clearer, no contract revision occurred to discuss how the expanding requirements could be negotiated. The increasing requirements and scope of work meant the original resources assigned to the project were rapidly becoming insufficient. Project delays and poor quality products were the result. Instead of addressing the changes and the need to revisit and negotiate the changing requirements, and additional compensation, the two parties filed suits and counter suits against each other (Cheeseman, chapter 16, 2010). The scenario points out how devastating the resultant legal costs were to both parties, and how the end result was a failed project that could have been resolved with less contract ambiguities, and negotiating product expectations and project needs as the contract evolved. This paper addresses the legal issues and principles, the basic elements of a contract, contract formation, contract breach, and contract remedies from the scenario. Points of discussion presented will also cover how the contract formation was achieved, whether the contract should have been administered,

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