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Contribution To National Honor Society

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Napoleon Hill once said, “if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” As a part of the National Honor Society as a probationary member, I am honored to help the community in little ways and to be able to see the overall picture as they all add up. Approaching the end of my high school career, I have become aware of a desire of mine that is to help others in need and to be able to be knowledgeable in what assistance may be needed. Every career that I have found has had a part in helping others, especially through medicine. Throughout my years so far, I have shown a great amount of scholarship, leadership, character and service that I believe would make me a priceless contribution to the National Honor Society. To begin, …show more content…
I mainly show leadership through helping others and guiding them to achieve the best that they can. Through the sport of volleyball I have helped as a captain, teammate and coach to beginning players to show others how to understand the game and to be able to execute decisions as quick as possible. Skills such as being able to call the ball, or even being able to jump serve or special parts for a desired position. I also help others during and outside of the trap-shooting season. As I am only a spring trap-shooter for the team, I put aside time to be able to shoot during the summer and shoot with people to learn from and to teach. Each season, I learn new techniques and how to see things differently, including what lens to wear with my shooting classes. I do take the sport seriously but being able to have fun when possible is allowed and is also when teaching is most helpful to teammates. Last year at the trap-shooting state tournament, one of my closest friends and teammate was struggling and I gave her advice and she used it to end up shooting better than most of us at single stations and then overall score rounds. Another sport that I show leadership in is being a part of the wrestling team as a manager for three years as a current junior. I may not be on the mat fighting my heart out, but I am on the mat taping the mats for my teammate’s improvement and recording the stats for them to be proud of. I show leadership at school by helping classmates with homework, especially from the previous math classes that I have taken. Through the school I was an FFA officer during my sophomore year as a journalist, taking part in what should be done and standing up when others backed down. I also show leadership in the community as I am an employee at Schuggy’s American Taphouse and Grill. I have been working there for over a year and I have trained in many of the new employees and they have been

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