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Controversy In Today's Culture

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YouTube has taken the world by storm in today’s digital age. People are allowed to create or mold what type of content they put out to their viewers and are also allowed to express themselves freely for anyone to enjoy. Whether they want to be a voice for those who are unheard, trying to share an opinion, or give people something entertaining to watch, Youtubers have an unlimited amount of options. In today’s culture, we see many topics that often spark controversy. Popular topics include: religion, politics, sexism, race, and even sports. Two youtubers who have found success in Youtube so far is the account “ThunderF00t,” and “feministfrequency” who have combined to reach out to a little over 700,000 subscribers. Both Youtubers are strongly …show more content…
If you do not believe in any of the things just described and you watched his videos you will most likely not like the guy nor watch his videos ever again. At a first glance, it looks like his mission on YouTube is to just generally piss people off. He is willing to say things that others shy away from as well as not being sensitive around certain common sensitive areas such as religion. In one recent video, he compares the stupidity of feminism to the catholic faith and how the most outlandish ideas are being taken seriously creating an Army of idiots. Again, more than likely if you were catholic or a feminist, you aren’t going to like what he has to say. On the other side, feministfrequency is a younger woman who is in her early 30’s who has a Masters Degree in social and political thought. Her main approach is to analyze video games and exploit why they are sexist towards women. Whether it be the way a character walks, the role of the character, even how video game covers showing a man and a woman are different in the layout, she is much more calm in conveying her thought but does not sacrifice her calmness for her strong

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