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Copyright Gone Wrong


Submitted By angel20melton
Words 1038
Pages 5
Intellectual Property: Copyright Gone Wrong
Bradlee Melton
American InterContinental University

Copyright is a form of intellectual property pertaining mostly to the creative arts such as music, novels, paintings, drawings, and film. When copyright was first created, its duration was fourteen years. In the past three hundred years since its creation, copyright duration has been extended several times. The last of these extensions extended copyright duration to the life of the creator plus seventy years, making copyright almost perpetual. In this modern age of lightning fast computing, copyright law is outdated and needs to be drastically reconsidered. Many have turned to the open source movement to try to escape the tyranny of copyright. Through the open source movement, several high-quality products have been produced and given to the public free of charge, whether it is music or software. Congress has made no effort to remedy the situation at hand. This essay poses the question: With copyright gone wrong, what do the people do?

Intellectual Property: Copyright Gone Wrong Intellectual property or IP pertains to creations of the mind. It is broken down into two subcategories: industrial property and copyright. Industrial property includes inventions, trademarks, and other things used for industrial commerce, while copyright involves anything of the literary or artistic fields such as poems, novels, music, drawings, and paintings (WIPO, 2012). Most people are more familiar with copyright than they are intellectual property. What exactly is copyright? The US Constitution states it as such: “The Congress shall have the Power…To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”. Essentially, copyright gives you

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