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Corrections and Treatment


Submitted By goobert2
Words 1231
Pages 5
Corrections and Treatment
Tina R. Goeb
August 28, 2011
Cathy Arrowsmith

Introduction This paper will discuss community-based treatment programs for juveniles, issues affecting institutionalized juveniles, and the intensive aftercare programs; each of these issues is affecting juveniles in some way or another. The purpose and importance of these treatment methods and issues mentioned will be briefly discussed. “Early reformers who were interested in rehabilitating rather than punishing children built the New York House of Refuge in 1824. The reformatory housed juveniles who earlier would have been placed in adult jails. Beginning in 1899, individual states took note of the problem of youth incarceration and began establishing similar youth reform homes (Einstein Law, 2008).”
Community-based treatment “Community treatment in juvenile justice refers to a number of interventions whose main similarity is that they are alternatives to placement in large, secure institutions, such as detention centers or training schools (Barton, 2011).” There are several different programs out there available to juveniles that can help them such as: probation, community service, DARE, anger management, counseling services, cognitive behavioral therapy/treatment, etc. These programs can be very useful if applied properly; these programs along with others are established in hopes of trying to prevent juvenile delinquency and to efficiently rehabilitate youthful offenders. Juveniles are usually ordered by a judge to participate in one or more of these programs as part of their punishment for acts of crime committed on their behalf; failure to complete a required program may result in the juvenile being placed in an institution for the remainder of one’s sentence or even being made to complete the program over again.

The D.A.R.E. program is just

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