...Rehabilitation Centers: An Integral Part of Patient Care Rehabilitation centers are designed to help “restore some or all of a patient’s physical, sensory and mental capabilities that were lost due to injury, illness or disease” (Farlex, 2012). Many doctors will prescribe rehabilitation services after a patient has suffered through an amputation, neurological issues, a variety of orthopedic injuries, spinal cord injuries, stroke or other traumatic brain injuries. Patients can be treated in either an inpatient or outpatient setting. This normally depends on the severity of their injury or illness. A patient who has suffered a stroke, for example will be treated within the hospital by therapists before being discharged and prescribed outpatient therapy. Stroke patients are also treated under more than one rehabilitation discipline. This means that they will see not only a licensed physical therapist but in many cases, an occupational and speech therapist as well. There are two main distinctions between physical therapists, orthopedic, neurological and pediatric. Orthopedic therapists work with a number of different diagnoses but the majority of their patients suffer from a muscle, joint or spinal injury. Advancements in medicine have allowed surgeons to perform joint replacement surgeries. Patients who have had a total knee, hip or shoulder replacement will more often than not end up in the hands of a physical therapist. According to the American Physical Therapy Association...
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...The intensity of drug addiction rehabilitation required by different addicts will vary according to the severity of their addictions. When addicts admit themselves, or are forcibly admitted, to drug addiction rehabilitation facilities, their physical conditions are evaluated so that an appropriate treatment can be determined. There are different drug addiction rehabilitation programs designed to treat the different levels of addiction. Outpatient Treatment and Detox There are, at the lowest level of drug addiction rehabilitation, intervention and short duration programs, which do not involve any physical treatment. They include court-ordered attendance at classes on the dangers of driving while intoxicated or visits to rehab units for teens caught using drugs or alcohol who has not yet become addicts. They are designed to steer...
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...juveniles, the law enforcement officials, and the public alike. One of the first changes Delaware can take to make their juvenile justice system stand out from other states is to remove the mandatory rules to charge some juveniles as adults. Currently, only four other states do not utilize mandatory rules for sentencing juveniles as adults (Trying Juveniles as Adults, 1998). This may seem like an easy way out for some juveniles who have committed more serious offenses, but it’s important to remember that these juveniles are, in fact, still juveniles. They haven’t fully developed mentally, physically, psychologically, etc., and it’s unreasonable to charge them as adults for crimes that they have committed as juveniles. Focusing on rehabilitation for our juveniles should be a main priority, not locking them away for years on end and depriving them of services such as substance abuse counseling and psychological therapy programs that they would immensely benefit from. Another recommendation that could help Delaware’s juvenile justice system is to expand the civil citation program. The Civil Citation program was initially implemented in Leon County, Florida, and the goal of this program is to hold the juvenile offender accountable for their actions by providing an alternative to...
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...isolates an inmate from the real world to which he or she must eventually return. The values and mores that allow for success in prison are directly counter to the expectations in the community. Upon release the offender returns into society and must adapt to new behaviors as he or she determines their daily schedule, adapts to new technology and changes in the outside world, and a different social interaction styles with people in their home, workplace, and community. Prison Rehabilitation is when a ex prisoner is release from prison and they somehow retrieve and rethink to commit the same crime they did to get themselves in prison. Prison Rehabilitation affects the prison and the society because the prisoner committing the same crimes over and over again and they are not learning anything from the first time when they entered the prison. Once a prisoner reenters a prison the prisoners that are remain in the prison might think it is cool to be released and commit the same crime again. Prison Rehabilitation can be improve by having prisoners enter a program before they are release or give them jobs so that they will not rob and steal from others that work hard for their values and...
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...Rehabilitation for elderly When rehabilitation comes to the mind, many people think of getting a treatment for drug abuse or any type of addiction. Rehabilitation not only helps a person recovering from illness or injury, but, also helps to increase their function as much as possible and also provide mental support during rehabilitation. However, there are different purposes of rehabilitation while restoring a person’s state of well-being. Some senior citizens may require a residential care facility and their family members may not be able to stay around them due to their busy lifestyles. In such situation, rehabilitation centers are extremely essential for elderly people, whether they are suffering from various diseases such as terminal illnesses or needs special attention due to their old age. Rehabilitation centers provide facilities to those people, who are sick and unable to perform their everyday life activities independently. It also helps to restore their good health conditions that are sick: physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Elderly people definitely need special attention to improve their health, advocate their emotional problems and organize them to make their life easy. An article by unknown says that the numbers of Americans over 65 is expected to nearly double by 2030.” So, we need more health care facilities and workers to take care of the elderly. There is a demand of nurses, aides, therapists to provide proper health care to the elderly. The government...
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...Rehabilitation Paper CJS/230 Introduction to Corrections September 14, 2014 In this paper, there will be thorough evaluations made about issues revolving around in prisons. It is a sticky topic being that reformers look to see if a prisoner can be rehabilitated in order to regain entrance into functioning society. Once this information is accessed, then can the prisoner be eligible for forms of release, including, parole, probation, community service, and other methods of early release. The main function in the correctional system has been, in the past, to rehabilitate criminal offenders and teach them how to become citizens who live a life free from crime. Some rehabilitation programs used to reform inmates include counseling, health and fitness programs, academic programs and religious programs. This is the basis for the discussion presented in this paper. The topics to be discussed include, defining rehabilitation, the origins of rehabilitation, prisoner rehabilitation and society, and the suggested improvement of rehabilitation. All of which are imperative to the understanding of the rehabilitation of prisoners. The definition of rehabilitation in the prison setting is, “something that makes a prisoner a better person” (Foster, 2006). Now, with this definition there is much controversy. The problem is, when speaking on making a prisoner better, you still have to wonder, is the prisoner better all around, or is he just better at becoming a different type...
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...| | Rehabilitation| CJS/230| | | | Rehabilitation in prisons programs are applied within the prison setting to end criminal activity. "The aim of the prison is to get the prisoner into the right program, keep him or her there until the program is successfully completed, and then turn the prisoner out to test the commitment to non-criminal behavior" (Foster, 2006). However, the dictionary defines rehabilitation as restoring to a previous condition. Rehabilitation is a new concept in imprisonment. Rehabilitation was first emphasized for children being monitored in the juvenile courts. Rehabilitation then spread through the developing parole and probation alternatives into the adult prisons after World War II. Prisoner rehabilitation affects prisons and society negatively if the rehabilitation fails. If it fails then you may have an offender out in society committing crimes, or an offender being rearrested and returned back to prison, thus contributing to the issues that already exist in prisons, such as overcrowding. When rehabilitation works it has a positive effect on society and prisons. It shows that there is hope for other inmates to be rehabilitated. It also releases another productive citizen into society, which can be very good for the community, and makes society more open to having community based programs that assist with the rehabilitation of prisoners. The recommendation that I would make to prisoner rehabilitation is that it should be mandatory that...
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...Rehabilitation Stacy Budig CJS/230 September 25, 2011 Scott Joubert, Instructor Rehabilitation is a word that is heard often in the prison setting. Rehabilitation is defined as specific programs applied within the prison setting or outside intended to bring about the end of criminal behavior. Prisons have programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Anger Management classes that are available to inmates while in prison. Such programs as these are meant to help rehabilitate the criminals. Do they work for all criminals? No they do not. Some people go through these programs and become better people, while others do not. Rehabilitation was first talked about in the middle of the Twentieth Century, though there was rehabilitation earlier than that, it was just called different things. Several things came about that promoted widespread interest in rehabilitation. The first thing was the growth of scientific penology as a movement. James V. Bennett became the leading advocate of individualized treatment of criminals based on scientific observations and precepts, leading to the adoption of the medical model. This diagnosed criminals and chose a treatment specifically for their needs. The second thing was the Elmira System of Zebulon Brockway. The Elmira System provided rudimentary classifications, programs, and individualized release based on good behavior for its selected clientele. Prisoner rehabilitation affects prisons in a variety of ways. First of all having...
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...Rehabilitation Kiera Bendolph The University of Alabama Abstract Rehabilitation is one of the key ways to helping prisoners/criminals that are released or still incarcerated. For a successful rehabilitation three components has to come into play: Healing, Treatment, and Education. To successfully rehabilitate someone it takes a process. You have to first take into account their childhood, and how/if they were victims before criminals. Then one has to decided which treatment(s) best fits to rehabilitate that specific individual, because what treatment works for one may not work for another. Lastly, educate them, give them a sense that there is more to life than the life they are living or the one they have experienced as a child. Rehabilitation What is Rehabilitation? To a prisoner it is hope for a better life. The goal of many rehabilitation programs is to reform the prisoners from committing crimes and assisting them in normal lives without any criminal activity. So many criminals return to prison, because they were not able to settle into a normal life outside those walls. That is why rehabilitation is important for criminals. It reduces that number of repeat offenders. Rehabilitation comes with a three component process: Healing, Treatment, and Education. Healing Offenders who were abused, neglected and/or addicted to drugs as children or adults must begin a meaningful healing process either through spirituality, addiction recovery or any other programs available...
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...Rehabilitation Stefanie Dean CJS/230 May 26, 2013 Martin Grill Rehabilitation Although many individuals consider rehabilitation as a form of humane punishment for criminal offenders, it is actually a means of therapy rather than punishment. The objective of rehabilitation is to reform the offender so that he or she can return to the free world with the ability to lead a productive life free of crime. The rehabilitative ideal views criminal behavior as similar to a disease which should be treated with the scientific methods available in order to “cure” the offender. Many criminals suffer from mental and physical ailments, drug addiction, and limited opportunities to become successful; these issues increase the likelihood that they will eventually engage in criminal activity. If we merely incarcerate them while they “pay their debt to society”, they will most likely return to society only with additional difficulties; without the proper tools to know how to live appropriately. The additional difficulties gained from incarceration are: a criminal record that impacts the opportunity for employment, they will be older and still without marketable skills or the education needed, social relationships as well as social skills may have deteriorated during the time spent incarcerated and they may have become acclimated to the criminal environment and culture. Incarcerating offenders may actually increase recidivism rates. A rehabilitative approach, as opposed to a punitive...
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...Whenever you think about a prisoner, you normally think about an orange and white striped jumpsuit, right? Well, there are some prisoners out there that have the opportunity to get out of these jumpsuits and they do, but are right back into them a few months later. You then have some inmates that take advantage of the fact that the prisons offer rehabilitation for it’s prisoners that decide to take advantage of it because they want to turn their lives around and want to actually be able to have something once they do finally get out of prison. Prisoner rehabilitation is when the prisons do something and use resources in order to “make the prisoner a better person (Foster, Chapter 13, 2006)”. While a violent rapist can possibly be rehabilitated and turn from the raping lifestyle, they can still just graduate to a lesser crime. Either way, they have still been rehabilitated, but they are still a criminal. This just shows that it is possible for a person to change, but still also be set in their old ways. When most people think about prisoner rehabilitation, they think about the different programs that are offered in an effort to try to get the prisoners to turn their lives around and “turn over a new leaf” and also end their lives of crime and live a normal, crime free life (Foster, Chapter 13, 2006). Whenever the law enforcement officers and government officials are trying to determine whether or not to try to rehabilitate someone, they try to figure out what that particular prisoner’s...
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...Rehabilitation Paper Zahra Howard CJA 234 Professor King June 14, 2014 Rehabilitation Paper Each day in the United States, the correctional system supervises over six million of its residents. Approximately two million people are in prison or jail, while four million are on probation or parole. With so many people under its control, a central policy issue is what the correctional system hopes to accomplish with those it places behind bars or on community supervision. A simple response might be that the purpose of these correctional sanctions is to punish the criminally wayward. Since the inception of the American penitentiary in the 1820s, however, corrections has embraced as an important goal the transformation of law breakers into the law-abiding that is, rehabilitation or treatment. At times, the goal of reforming offenders has been dominant; at other times, its legitimacy and usefulness have been challenged and its influence on correctional policy diminished. But even today, after a period in the late 1900s of prolonged advocacy of getting tough with criminals, rehabilitation remains an integral part of the correctional enterprise and continues to earn support among the public in the United States. To begin, probation refers to adult offenders whom courts place on supervision in the community through a probation agency, generally in lieu of incarceration. However, some jurisdictions do sentence probationers to a combined short-term incarceration sentence immediately...
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...Rehabilitation Antanetta Binns CJA/234 Instructor: Sherri Webster March 12, 2012 Rehabilitation This report will specify and study the sources of reclamation in prison and the choice of parole supported reclamation. Captive reclamation, parole, probation, and community disciplines will be outlined along with talking about how captive reclamation strike prisons also as how it bears on general society. Additional subjects to deal include the how parole is dissimilar from obligatory release, how probation equivalences to other cast of condemning, and how community disciplines bear on society. The author will recommend betterments to captive reclamation, suggest a finer resolution to the ongoing probation and parole systems, and make a conjecture about the overall efficiency of community corrections. The final step implies describing prison systems in foreign nations, accosting how other states see captivity and put it into use, and ascertaining what would take place if the U.S. prison system adopted another state's prison system. Prisoner Rehabilitation Prisoner reclamation involves particular programs that assist make a captive a ameliorate individual with the purpose of ceasing their felonious behavior. Reclamation in prisons comprises of educating captives, instructing them vocational skills, providing spiritual and extra activities, and providing therapy. These programs assist captives amend themselves and hopefully put a finish to their felonious behavior. Captive...
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...Naturalistic observation paper Child psychology On January 27, 2009 at twelve noon, I went to the Children’s Brooklyn museum with the purpose of completing a Naturalistic observation of a toddler aged child. When I arrived, there were a couple of children in the free play area playing with the make believe toys. Five minutes into my observation I found my subject. I observed a young Caucasian boy who for purposes of this paper I will name Christian. Christian who fits in the 2-3 age group was accompanied by his nanny. What made me so interested with particular little boy, and not the group of children who were already there, was that his demeanor caught my attention. Like the other kids, I expected him to start interacting with the other children when he came in, but he passed them like they were not even there. In terms of physical appearance Christian was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt, black jacket and blue cap. He was kind of short and average weight his hair was curly in a mini afro. I noticed he was very independent he took off his coat and hat by himself without any assistance from his nanny. He made himself comfortable by sitting down as the nanny picked up a book to read to him. Christian has wonderful fine motor skills, which involve physical movements with his hands and fingers. I watched him turn pages in the Winnie the Pooh book with no hesitation or problem. After she read the Winnie the Pooh book to Christian they colored together. Christian...
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...Customer Service can refer to the practice of providing people with a positive, helpful experience before, during or after a purchase. It also can refer to a department within a company that focuses on providing assistance. Employees can engage with individuals face-to-face, by phone, or through written communication. According to 1Service Manager.com, the definition for "Customer Service" is the commitment to providing value added services to external and internal customers, including attitude knowledge, technical support and quality of service in a timely manner. Customer Service is the provision of service to customers, before, during and after a purchase. According to 2Turban et al.(2002), "Customer Service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction - that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation." The importance of customer service may vary by a product or service, industry and customer. The perception of success of such interactions will be dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest," according to 3Micah Solomon. From the point of view of an overall sales process engineering effort, customer service plays an important role in an organization's ability to generate income and revenue. From the perspective, customer service should be included as part of an overall approach to the systematic improvement. A customer service experience can change the entire...
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