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Corrie Ten Boom Analysis

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Mr. John Mccain and Ms. Corrie ten Boom were both important people in their error or time, so let me tell you who these people are. Cornelia “Corrie” ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who helped hide Jews from the Nazis during World War 2. John McCain was a naval pilot for the U.S.A and was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. Corrie ten Boom was a woman who helped hide Jews from the Nazis and was doing the right thing, because the Nazis were bad people who did bad things to Jews. Mr. John McCain is a Vietnam War veteran and now a senator. Both were in prison for different reasons and both overcame that to become the people that the world knows as heros. Both got out of prison and became successful people in their own right. Ms. ten Boom was a well known author and she also was awarded the Righteous Among Nations Award for her services helping the Jews out during World War 2. …show more content…
Mr. McCain was a prisoner of war and was captured when his airplane was shot down. Ms. ten Boom was put in prison because she was helping Jews hide from Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Both people stayed true to themselves and fought for what they believed. Mr. McCain was serving his country and did not give the people who captured him information about the U.S. Ms. ten Boom cared for the jews and did not tell the authorities where they were, even when she was treated terrible. In ways both were saving lives of people they thought were important. Mr. McCain save the lives of the U.S. people, and Ms. ten Boom saved the lives of

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