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Situational Leadership Research Paper

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Introduction to Leadership Leadership is one of the basic needs of a good organization. It can be defined as one having, “the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 385). Just because an employee is appointed a leadership position does not make him an effective leader. I have personally experienced working for two separate Chief’s in my police department. One was an exceptional leader and the other was absolutely horrible.
Situational Leadership Theory A big reason there was such a difference between these two Chief’s is that the effective leader knew how to apply situational leadership whereas the other did not. Situational leadership focuses closer on who is being led as a large part of what style of leadership should be implemented, and it can actually increase an organization’s …show more content…
In keeping with my example the Chief who was an effective leader exhibited transformational leadership. He realized that gathering the officers and residents had to change their old attitudes and outlooks on the organizational goals to become a premier law enforcement agency. Community policing was no longer looked upon by the employees as a catchy buzz word, but it became a true organizational goal that they worked harder than ever before to achieve. He also encouraged creative problem solving to current police issues in our city. For example, juvenile gangs were the root of a lot of street crime and fear in the community, and the chief pushed individual officers to come up with a solution. As a direct result a junior officer creatively devised a plan that is currently being established and funded that brought together over 20 different stakeholders to proactively lower juvenile gang membership, violence, and

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