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Cosmetic Dentistry: Important In Everyday Life

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Although cosmetic dentistry may not seem important in your day to day life, it can be a real life saver if something comes up! What are the types of cosmetic dentistry and when would you need it?

There are many kinds of cosmetic dentistry out there and many different dental clinics that offer it. However, most people are less concerned with it than with basic cleaning and fillings-until something more elaborate is required. For this reason, it's a good idea to have a dentist who can at the very least refer you in the right direction, if not do it all himself. It's also a good idea to know what kinds of cosmetic dental work is out there so you know what kind of services to expect. There are several kinds of cosmetic dentistry, but the overall purpose is to make your smile and your teeth more attractive and more useful to you.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening, using things other than basic gel, is the most basic form of cosmetic surgery. Teeth whitening in a dental office use things like light activated bleach, porcelain veneers, and bonding. These things whiten teeth in under an hour using a variety of methods. For example, veneers are thin strips made of porcelain placed over your teeth while bonding is a resin that is contoured over your teeth. These things are more expensive, but they also work faster and more thoroughly.

Teeth Replacement …show more content…
However, there are many people who have gaps in their teeth; sometimes adult teeth fall out or have to be pulled out, leaving a hole. If you want to recapture a smooth smile, then you will want to look at getting your teeth replaced. Dental implants work by making a tooth (or a crown) and anchoring it to a titanium screw implanted in your jaw to keep your jaw bones and muscles working strong. It is labor intensive, but in the end, you have a full jaw of teeth, which means better appearance, easier chewing, and your jaw bone remains

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