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Coso Report - Financial Reporting Fraud


Submitted By kblair333
Words 567
Pages 3
How big of a problem is fraudulent financial reporting?
Fraudulent financial reporting is something that affects everyone: employees of the company, stockholders, and the surrounding community. COSO’s report showed that there has been an increase of the magnitude dollars stolen by ways of financial reporting fraud. While the amount of cases where fraud was found were similar when compared to the report published ten years ago, the amount of dollars in error has changed drastically – moving from a mean per case of $25 million to a staggering mean of $400 million. Most cases of fraud come from an overstatement of assets or overstatement of revenues.

Who are the perpetrators?
Fraudulent financial reporting can happen to any company at any level. The COSO study found that the median revenues and total assets were about $100 million, which is a large increase from the previous study done ten years ago, which found the median to be around $15 million. That is not to say the majority of all offenses occurred with companies in the medium range – fraudulent reporting was found in companies ranging from $400 billion in assets and revenues to startup companies with no revenue or assets. Most companies that committed fraud were either close to break-even positions or were posting net losses. The industries fraud is committed in is widespread, with companies in virtually every sector committing fraud. In 72% and 65% of cases, CEOs and CFOs were found being associated with fraud, respectively.

What is happening with corporate governance?
COSO’s study found differences in corporate governance between fraudulent and non-fraudulent companies to be diminishing. Prior to the 2001s, there were a few key differences, but with new regulations, the companies seem to be comparable enough with one another. Still, however, cases of fraud continue to happen at an increasing rate and

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