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Cost Of College

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There are a lot of concerns when it comes to college. Among these concerns are the price of tuition and how unbearably high it is. Because of how high the cost is, people are starting to wonder whether or not going to college for a degree is worth it. This topic is widely debated throughout the country and until the price of tuition has been made more affordable the debate will continue. However it is easy to get lost in the debate and begin to think that even if the cost were to be lowered that college would still not be worth the time to go. While college may not be for some people it is still very important to our country that we have educated people. Society benefits from educated individuals more than most people know. Not only that but …show more content…
Student loans are an easy way to set yourself back even with a degree, on average it takes about 11 years of work to pay off and earn back the money spent on college whether it be paying off student loans or just your investment. (Lewin 18) This being there are ways to avoid an overwhelming amount of debt. Community colleges are a cheap and affordable way to finish off two years of schooling for a fraction of the price that it would cost at a university. Not only that but earning an Associate Degree alone will increase one's chances of succeeding in life. I personally chose to attend a community college to save money along with attempting to raise my GPA from high school. The higher a person’s GPA is also accounts for scholarship opportunities. Scholarships are awarded to those who work hard and show that they have the want and the skills to be successful at a given university. If someone did not succeed in high school but want to turn over a new leaf and continue to boost their chances of succeeding in life through hard work and determination then scholarships could potentially give someone the opportunity to go to a university for a degree. Scholarships are not the only ways that school can be made more affordable, financial aid is offered to those with low enough incomes and can take a lot of the weight from a college tuition down. These are all very viable options to save money and make college more affordable to the general

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