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Haunted Courage Book Report

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Undaunted Courage Undaunted Courage a novel by Stephen Ambrose published in 1996 is about the exploration of the new Louisiana territory in the beginning of the 1800’s. It goes over Lewis and Clark’s journey before, during, and after the exploration. This book comes from many first person accounts and includes even the smallest details. It is also written compellingly to keep the reader interested throughout the whole book. Anybody that has an interest in America's history would be impelled to read this book. For any who lives in the regions described it would be interesting learn about what it used to be like there. For me it was interesting learning about Missouri and especially St. Louis. Since I live in/near these areas, it taught me a lot about what it was like where I live in the 1800’s before it was inhabited by Americans. Someone else who may be interested in the this …show more content…
Whether it be amount of people, medicine, food, and guns. There biggest idea was to make an iron framed boat that they could bring across land, but put on water when needed. The iron framed boat became one of their biggest ideas. Lewis went all over the states to learn what he needed to learn in things like mapping and science. He also spent most of his time leading up to the expedition on the site of where everything was getting ready for the adventure. He wanted to make sure everything was done correctly. When the expedition finally started they added more weapons to their boats out of fear of the Indians. They started in St. Louis and began to up the Missouri River. It was a rough river for the soldiers, and they had a hard time maneuvering in the river. While on the expedition Lewis was finding many new animals and plants. He documented many of them and kept them to send back to Jefferson. He took many walks in the woods to look for new animals and plants. He was very attentive about learning about all the new things he had

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Paulo Coelho address is: Paulo Coelho's website address is: First published in English by HarperCollinsPublishers 2003 13579 10 8642 © Paulo Coelho 2003 Paulo Coelho asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library ISBN o 00 716604 4 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives pic All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. O, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to you. Amen. Dedication On 29th May 2002, just hours before I put the finishing touches to this book, I visited the Grotto in Lourdes, in France, to fill a few bottles with miraculous water from the spring. Inside the Basilica, a gentleman in his seventies said to me: 'You know, you look just like Paulo Coelho.' I said that I was Paulo Coelho. The man embraced me and introduced me to his wife and grand-daughter. He spoke of the importance of my books in his life, concluding: 'They make me dream.' I have often heard these words before, and they always please me greatly. At that moment, however, I felt really frightened, because I knew that my new novel, Eleven Minutes, dealt with a subject that was harsh,...

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