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Essential Oil Persuasive Essay

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Are you trying to lose weight yet are unable to find a technique or tool that will help you drop the unwanted pounds or excess body fat? If your answer to this question is a resounding ‘yes’, I want you to think about essential oils for a minute. When looking to resolve a medical issue or take a healthier approach to life, I always consider the benefits that essential oils provide for me. These oils have the ability to improve my mood, relieve my anxiety, boost my metabolism and balance out my internal hormones.

Recipes for Using Essential Oils for Weight Loss
I am going to show you several recipes that are not only easy to make, they are tasty treats that will quickly become your favorite snacks. Feel free to make modifications to these …show more content…
Steps to Follow:
Step One: Adding 10 Drops of the Lemon Essential Oil
Using the medicine dropper, remove one drop of Lemon essential oil from the main bottle. Place the drop into the clear glass bottle. Allow it to sit for a moment inside the bottle. Repeat this process nine more times, making sure that you have 10 full drops of the Lemon oil inside the clear glass bottle.

Step Two: Adding 10 Drops of the Grapefruit Essential Oil
Using the medicine dropper, remove one drop of Grapefruit essential oil from the main bottle. Place the drop into the clear glass bottle. Allow it to mix with the previous oil already in the bottle. Repeat this step nine more times, making sure that you have 10 full drops of Grapefruit oil in the clear glass bottle.

Step Three: Adding 5 Drops of the Bergamot Essential Oil
Using the medicine dropper, carefully remove one drop of Bergamot essential oil from the main bottle. Place the drop inside of the clear glass bottle. Allow that oil drop to mix with the oils already inside the bottle. Repeat this process four more times until you have five full drops of the essential oil inside of the clear glass

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