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Arch Pain Research Paper

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Ways to Alleviate Your Arch Pain

If you have experienced pain in the arches of your feet, you likely know how frustrating it can be when every single step you take hurts. Getting that pain to go away may not always be an easy endeavor, there can be many factors to consider. Sometimes the real cause of your pain may not be clear or easy to determine, especially if you have never dealt with pain in this area in the past. Here are some of the common injuries and irritations that may often lead to painful arches as well as a few things that you might try to get a little relief.

Causes And Symptoms
When you consider all of the different bones, tendons, and other tissues that make up each of your feet and ankles, pain in your arches can sometimes …show more content…
Things such as dropping something with substantial weight on either of your feet or even having someone step on your foot could be enough to cause an injury. This may often be referred to as an acute injury and can be one of the easier causes of your arch pain to identify, especially if you have recently been in an accident. The pain usually begins relatively quickly after the incident and often feels like a sharp pain in the area of the blow or possible a shooting pain through the foot that was …show more content…
There are a few tools that may help you reach this goal, one of these is foot rockers or foot stretchers. Using one of these could help reduce the amount of pain you feel and help the damaged tissue heal as well. You might also want to look into getting a good set of shoe insoles that provide arch support, they might make it less painful to be on your feet each day.

Another thing that could be very effective would be doing some stretches that help reduce the pressure on the tendons in your feet. There are some yoga poses that you might find to be simple and quite helpful. One thing that may help numb some of your pain and inflammation and is easy to do at home would be to roll your feet over an ice pack or frozen water bottle. Remember though, as with any injury you should always seek medical advice and give your body time to

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