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Counterfactual Reasoning Paper

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Counterfactual reasoning plays an important role in our everyday lives. We oftentimes consider what would have been the case had the world been different. For instance, if I didn’t submit this paper, then I would fail Katie’s class or if Katie hadn’t extended the paper deadline, I wouldn’t have been able to play Fallout. For the purposes of this paper, I intend to examine the counterfactual theory of causation in an effort to explain the processes and intuitions that underlies these everyday counterfactual claims. I will begin with a brief explanation of counterfactuals, the counterfactual theory of causation, and the possible world semantics underlie the theory. Then, I will examine some of the counterexamples that pose problems for both the …show more content…
However, there are simple counterexamples that complicate the claim that counterfactual dependence is necessary for causation. Consider the following case of early preemption. Suppose that Gandalf (contemporaneously) commands two equally suitable warriors, Aragorn and Legolas, to kill Saruman. Upon reaching Saurman’s fortress, Orthanc, Aragorn and Legolas find a good hiding spot and wait. When Saurman appears, Aragorn and Legolas are both ready to attack him. Aragorn swings his sword and hits Saurman right in the jugular. Legolas desists from attacking when he sees Aragorn swing his sword. Consequently, Aragorn’s actions preempt the alternative potential cause, or Legolas attacking Saurman. This case of early preemption poses a problem for the counterfactual dependence view because although Aragorn’s swinging his sword (event C) is a cause of Saurman being killed (event E), Saurman’s being killed (event E) does not counterfactually depend on Aragon’s swinging his sword (event C). In a comparatively similar possible world, Aragorn could fail to attack Saurman but Saurman might still be killed by Legolas’ attack. So, the subjunctive conditional, ‘If Aragorn had not swung his sword, then Saurman would not be killed’, is false. Thus, counterfactual dependence is sufficient but not necessary for …show more content…
This amended notion of the ancestral of counterfactual dependence can be understood as causal chain (generally referred to as a ‘chain of dependence’), or finite sequence of transitive, causally dependent, and distinct events. The semantic framework for such a causal chain can be represented thusly:
(2) X is a cause of Y iff there is a chain of dependence leading from X to Y.
This notion that causation can be reduced to a sequence of transitive, concrete events is crucial because it allows proponents of counterfactual dependence to distinguish between actual causes and preempted potential causes. In order to better illustrate the significance of this distinction, consider the example from the previous paragraph once more. When Aragorn kills Saurman, there is a causal chain (or specific intermediary events) that run from Aragorn’s preparing to attack to the death of Saurman (e.g. the trajectory of the sword as it moves mid-air causally depends on Aragorn’s action). However, this is not the case for Legolas. Since Legolas decides to refrain from attacking, there are no intermediary events connecting Legolas’ actions to the death of Saurman. Thus, advocates of the chain dependence consider Aragorn to be the actual cause of Saurman’s death and choose to write off Legolas as the preempted potential cause

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