...industry and consumer uncertainty over origin labeling claims. The minister said: Due to recent court decisions, considerable confusion has been created in the minds of the industry and consumers alike, undermining both the value of origin claims in the marketplace. The government is acting to address this uncertainty, and set rules that the industry can follow and consumers can understand. Consequently legislation was established by the Commonwealth Parliament to make the legal standing of corporations that make representations regarding the country of origin of goods they supply clearer. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regulates the Country of origin claims under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) that sets regulations for claims such as ‘product of’ and ‘made in’. The ACL replaces previous Commonwealth, state and territory consumer protection legislation in fair-trading acts. The Australian Consumer Law contains provisions of relevance to country of origin claims made by businesses. (Refer to Appendix A) Sections 151(1)(a), 151(1)(k) and 155, are offence provisions and make conduct outlined in ss. 29(1)(a), 29(1)(k) and 33 respectively, offences. Section 29(1)(a) and 151(1)(a), are relevant because a representation as to the country of origin of goods is a representation of the history of those particular goods. Section 33 and 151 are relevant because a representation about the country of origin may be a representation of the nature...
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...Made in china means products are manufactured in the mainland of China. People who live in China feel that all goods are made in China is a normal thing because the Chinese people do not really know almost everything in foreign countries also is made in China. Because of the cheap labors and China's large manufacturing industry, “made in China” becomes one of the most recognizable labels in the world today. “Made in China” has a huge range of goods from clothing to electronics. World economy is becoming so dependent on China as an industrial lifeline. China's importance to global manufacturing will resemble Saudi Arabia's position in world oil markets. As a result, there are more and more goods are made in China. Some people like goods which are made in China because these goods are cheaper. On the other hand, not all people think that goods are made in China is good thing. Just as a cartoon I found, the editorial cartoon describes a broken plane which is made of wood, and a soldier say: I told you we should not have bought those airplanes with the “made in China” sticker. Unquestionably, this editorial cartoon ridicules made in China means low quality. Moreover, all goods are made in China also has some negative influences for other economic facets. Too many goods are made in China have many disadvantages. The main problem about products made in China is that goods which are made in China are low quality. Some people even say that: China is notorious for manufacturing...
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...“Bicycles in Ohio” As the CEO and owner of my grandfather’s company, it is my job to make sure it is operating at maximum profitability and efficiency. At today’s meeting, one of the vice presidents of the company mentioned the idea of moving the factory international, specifically somewhere in Asia like China, India, or Bangladesh. “By moving to an international low-wage country” he says, “my profits will triple at a fraction of the cost.” The idea of moving over sea’s sparked my imagination and decided to look further into the idea. It turns out my products would receive little to no reduction in quality and the workers would be paid much less and would not receive any form of health insurance, resulting in more profit in my pocket. The downside is that the Ohio plant would not be able to remain open and 2,000 of my longtime employees would now be jobless and the local economy would most likely take a major hit. After some thought, I came to the conclusion that I will not be moving internationally and the Ohio plant will remain open! If I was to move my company overseas I would make a lot of money from the decision. The company that my grandfather built from the ground up was not money driven, it was built for the love of bicycle making. The company has not gotten where it is today on the dollar of tomorrow; only by the love of bike building. Even though the decision to move international would bring a lot of wealth, it also brings a lot of self-individualism...
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...2.1.2 Brand Origin 1) COB Ozsomer and Cavusgil (1991) point out that the country of origin is the country, where corporate headquarters of the company marketing the product or brand is located. This country is called the home country. Thakor and Kohli (1996) made a conceptual contribution to the COO literature (Dinnie, 2004). They find the concept of brand origin and its distinction from original country-of-origin concept. The authors define brand origin as the place, region or country to which the brand is perceived to belong by its target consumers. Thakor and Kohli also note that this perception may differ from the location where products carrying the brand name are manufactured, or are perceived by consumers to be manufactured. After...
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...EFFECT OF COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ON BRAND EQUITY OF CARS IN INDIA: A STUDY Faculty Guide: Prof. Sandeep Puri Authors: Chandana Mandal, Mohit Jain, Ambika Paliwal, Rohit Iyer, Sahil Gupta INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY, GHAZIABAD ABSTRACT Marketers and consumer behaviour researchers generally accept that a product’s or brand’s country-of-origin is an important influencing factor in consumer decision-making. Most of the previous studies suggest that country-of- origin information which is indicated by the “Made in ...” label which serves several purposes in consumer decision-making. It acts as a salient attribute in consumer product evaluation. That is, the image that consumers have about a certain country will influence their perceptions of products from that country. Since consumers’ perception of a particular country-of-origin influences their evaluation of products from that country, this will influence their preference, purchase intention and choice of a particular brand and hence has implications on the brand’s equity. In this study the effects of brand’s country-of-origin image on the formation of brand equity in two clusters i.e India and foreign market(African and French market) is studied. Here a high involvement category of Cars has been selected. Introduction In the arena of global marketing, building strong brands has become a top priority for marketers. Beyond, the marketing mix variables (advertising, distribution, price and product quality), the consumer’s...
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...choice: A Cross Cultural Exploration of Effects of Country of Origin on the Choice of Branded Products by Adriana Cordeiro Socha A Thesis presented to The University of Guelph In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Studies Guelph, Ontario, Canada © Adriana Cordeiro Socha, September, 2012 ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF THE CULTURE DIMENSION ‘POWER DISTANCE’ ON PRODUCT CHOICE: A CROSS CULTURAL EXPLORATION OF EFFECTS OF CULTURAL TRAITS ON THE CHOICE OF BRANDED FOREIGN PRODUCTS Adriana Cordeiro Socha University of Guelph, 2012 Advisor Dr. Brent McKenzie Committee Dr. Vinay Kanetkar Dr. Sara Mann This thesis investigates how cultural traits, such as the cultural dimension of Power Distance, influence preference for foreign made branded products. Cultural background influences several aspects of human behaviour, including the behaviours of consumers. In marketing, individual cultural differences affect consumers’ choice as well as their response to advertising message and brand associations. One example, impact on consumer choice, is related to the country of origin (COO) of the product. The effect of COO has been extensively explored in the literature. However, cultural frameworks like those of Hofstede (2001) have seldom been considered as a factor explaining the variability of consumers’ preference (or avoidance) for products originating in different countries. The objective of this research is to identify how...
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...http://www.shippingsolutions.com/blog/should-you-care-about-country-of-origin-impact http://www.futurebrand.com/images/uploads/studies/cbi/MADE_IN_Final_HR.pdf http://branduniq.com/2011/differentiation-strategy-can-a-brand-be-positioned-on-country-of-origin/ Differentiation Strategy: Can A Brand Be Positioned on Country of Origin? The purpose of this marketing research paper is to answer a very important question that consumers are most of the times curious to know about, especially when they buy a luxury good. The question raised is “Can a brand be positioned on country of origin. Country of origin is the term used to describe where the good originates from, which includes manufacturing, agriculture or production. It is referred by the term “Made in” which represents a connotation with the place of origin. In the twentieth century, people perceived many aspects differently that nowadays. Companies were responsible for the whole process of designing and manufacturing their products locally. This led consumer to trusts their brands more than any foreign products, thus the country of origin was seen as a single place of association for consumers, which summarized the brand’s origin, the design location and the place of production. Globalization has tremendously changed this perception as consumers have far more choices than they ever had decades ago. In fact, they can be confused on what product they should go for and buy due to numerous diversities that...
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...between information sharing regarding product’s origin on online retail displays and purchase intentions of customers Name Institution Literature Review A majority of the online marketers and retailers tend to try and seek the attention of customers through the use of electronic storefront designs to make sure that they share information regarding their product’s origin. Sellers share information regarding their products on displays in auctions, product offerings, online stores and other digital empowerment platforms. Digital empowerment has increased the relationship between the sellers and the consumers and is still changing with the evolvement of time as more digital channels are evolving (So, Wong & Sculli, 2005). The sellers have changed to digital ways of sharing information on their products with the consumers also adapting to the use of the online and digital platforms to search for information on the products that they intent to purchase (Heijden, Verhagen & Creemers, 2003). This consumer behavior has radically changed the expectations of the consumers towards a drive for better, personalize and innovative products. This is because when the consumers are shopping online or in other retail stores, they tend to seek experiences tailored to their specific and unique needs and wants (Nagashima, 1970). Consumers have become digitally empowered and increasingly savvy in their purchase intentions. A product’s country of origin has a significant influence on the purchase...
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...BRAND MANAGEMENT THE REFLECTIONS OF COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN EFFECT ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to reflect ‘country-of-origin effect’ (COO) on consumers’ brand perceptions and their behavioral intensions. It has been proved that the country of origin of a product was one of the two or three most important attributes in preference evaluation. A comprehensive review of the literature regarding the effect of country of origin on consumer perceptions of products and services, COO in France and France Cosmetics Industry have also been handled. In this study, it has been indicated that customer perceptions differ significantly on the basis of product/service and country of origin. The country of origin may be an important element in the perceptions of consumers about the products and services especially where little other information is known. However, the question of how much influence the country of origin provides in product and service evaluations remains unclear. Keywords: Country of origin, cultural values, brand, consumer perceptions. 1 SECTION 1-COUNTRY OF ORIGIN EFFECT Impact of Country of Origin on International Marketing The impact of country of origin (COO) on the consumer's perception of products has been one of the most widely studied areas of international marketing. (Samiee, 1994; Peterson and Jolibert, 1995, Leonidou et al, 1999). Increasing globalization of today's business environment has also renewed the interest in...
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...1. Lux: a) Brand Launching: In 1924 b) Country of Origin: UK c) Founder: Lever Brother (Now know as Unilever) founder William Hesketh Lever and his brother James d) Industry: Soap (Health Care) e) Brand Name origin: The name Lux means ‘light’ in Latin, however the name was chosen from the word word ‘luxury’. 2. Lifebuoy: a) Brand Launching: In 1894 b) Country of Origin: UK c) Founder: Same as of Lux d) Industry: Soap (Health Care) e) Brand Name origin: buoy means a device that keeps a sinking man afloat. i.e. protecting life. Buoys ring shaped device that are kept in the ship f) Brand Logo Origin: Buoy is ring shaped and in red color in UK. Lifebuoy logo originates from here. It’s logo is oval shaped which reminds you of ring shape. g) Brand Color: Red as buoy is red in UK 3. Apple: a) Brand Launching: on April 1, 1976. It’s original name was Apple Computer, Inc. But, in 2007, it removed the word ‘Computer’. According to me, this is their branding strategy to thrive into consumer electronics goods. Very soon, they will launch HD TV. b) Country of Origin: California, USA c) Founder: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne. d) Industry: Computer Hardware, Computer software, Consumer electronics, etc. e) Brand Name origin: Steve jobs, the founder of Apple, came up with the name ‘Apple Computer’. No significance was behind this name. Many used to say Steve Jobs was working in a community type farm...
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...THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital AGNIESZKA KANAS Kanas, A.M. The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital Dissertation, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cover illustration: Krzysztof Wodiczko, Goscie/Guests, 2009, instalacja wideo/video installation, 17,17 min./minutes. Dzieki uprzejmosci artysty i Fundacji Profile/courtesy of the artist and Profile Foundation, Warsaw. Cover design: Agnieszka Kanas & Sebastian Gryglewicz Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service ISBN: 978-90-393-5550-3 © Agnieszka Kanas, 2011 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrival system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electrnically, mechanically, by photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital DE ECONOMISCHE POSITIE VAN IMMIGRANTEN De rol van menselijk en sociaal kapitaal (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 28 juni 2011 des middags te 2.30 uur door Agnieszka Małgorzata Kanas geboren op 3 februari 1980 te Trzcianka, Polen Promotoren: Prof. dr. F.A...
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... Question #2 Since January 1st, 1994 all FTA rules were replaced by NAFTA rules of origin. They differ in the respect that they are much clearer and predictable than those of the FTA. Similar to the FTA each member country of NAFTA is able to keep in use its own external market tariff. This external tariff can be in the form of a most favoured nation (MFN) tariff in which the NAFTA would extend only to good that have originated in a NAFTA member country. In contrast to the FTA, the NAFTA provides specific preferential tariff treatment for not only some but ALL North American goods traded across Canadian, U.S. and Mexican borders. The rules of origin in the NAFTA are specifically used to determine the credibility of whether or not a product can be declared as originating in North America. In addition, NAFTA rules of origin strictly ensure that the benefits are available only to those good which meet specific rules of transformation. Specifically for apparel the NFTA provides more stringent rules of origin compared to the FTA. In contrast to the FTA the NFTA requires that the yarn, fabric and garment in ALL be made in North America in order to meet specific rules of origin that qualify them for NAFA preferential duties. Therefore any goods from all three NAFTA member countries that are wholly sourced or manufactured in the three countries are deemed originating goods that are entitles to preferential tariff treatment. In instances where the inputs used...
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...General information Fresh fruits are a good source of vitamins ,minerals and dietary fiber. Whilst most fruits should be eaten fresh, processed can be acceptable alternatives. They come in many forms, including: • Pre-prepared fresh • Canned • Frozen • Dried •Juiced Pre-prepared fresh fruit Common varieties include fruit salads . These are convenient, but may have a shorter storage life. They may also be more expensive than whole fresh fruits It is also important to check the information on the nutrition panel for these foods as some pre-prepared salads may include added ingredients, such as flavourings, additiives. Many of these ingredients can be high in sugar and should be avoided. Frozen or canned fruit THERE IS A WIDE RANGE OF FROZEN AND CANNED FRUITS FOR EXAMPLE • Canned pineapple, peaches, apricots, pears and mixed fruits. • Frozen mangoes, berries and pineapple. THE BENEFITS OF CHOOSING FROZEN AND CANNED FRUIT INCLUDE: • Convenience • Longer shelf life •Year round availability • Most vitamins are retained as they are generally processed and packaged within hours of being picked • Easy storage •Easy preparation Whilst the canning and freezing process can help protect food from organisms that can cause food to go off, it is important to store and prepare processed fruit and vegetables properly. • Frozen fruit and vegetables should be kept at -18 degrees Celsius for no more than six months.When shopping, try to put frozen products in your trolley...
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...Master of Business Administration Paper Title: Business in Global Arena Final Examination Presented by: Mohamed Mohamed Abd-ElMeguid MBA#: Intake Number #58 Course Title: Business in Global Arena Module: Core Courses Instructor: Dr. Hein Roelfsema Course Delivery Date: November 2010 Date of Submission: 14- November -2010 Table of Contents Question 1: 3 Economic Profile and market seeking/resource seeking recommendations 3 Psychic distance that Egyptian expatriate managers are likely to face 5 Question 3: 6 Part 1: 6 Part 2: 6 Question 5: 8 Hypothesis 1: 8 Hypothesis 2: 8 Question 1: Economic Profile and market seeking/resource seeking recommendations |Indicator |Kenya |Tanzania |Uganda | |GNI |$60.27 Billion |$52.05 Billion |$36.08 Billion | |GNI per capita in PPP dollars |$1,550 |$1,260 |$1,140 | |GDP |$1,600 |$1,400 |$1,200 | |GDP Growth Rate |2.6% |6% |5.3% | |HDI ...
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...trafficking. But one of the problems scholars face is the lack of reliable data on countries’ anti-trafficking policies which can be compared over time and between countries. Existing measures fail to recognize the different levels of compliance in the three main policy dimensions: prosecution, protection, and prevention. Separating the three dimensions is important. There has theory and evidence indicate that better protection policy may encourage potential victims to risk illegal migration, which could lead them to fall prey to traffickers. Human trafficking inflows might therefore increase as a consequence, contradicting the objectives of prosecution and prevention policies. There are many reasons why one would expect spatial dependence in anti-trafficking policies, for example pressure, externality or uncertainly, The major destination countries of internationally trafficked persons are likely to exert pressure onto countries which function as major sources of transit and/or origin for people trafficked into these major destinations Yet, the effectiveness of policies undertaken in destination countries will be undermined if other countries, particularly relevant transit and origin countries, do not follow suit. The strictest anti-trafficking policies in destination countries may be ineffective if countries of origin and transit have lax policies in place. Anti-trafficking policies enacted by one country...
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