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Creative Problem Solving


Submitted By GM46
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Creative Problem solving After reading the chapter in creative problem solving I’ve learned that I have some of the procedures, but need to add many more too my arsenal, and need sharpen skills that already maintain. I also learned through this reading I have many obstacles that prevent me from solving the problem example would be risk taking, and the fear of failure.

The following procedures I believe to be assets to me in the journey of solving problems and using this creativeness to find answers too many questions involved in solving the problem. The first one is to be able to look outside of the box and explore other opportunities. The second strength that I maintain is approachability, and being interested in others opinions, or thoughts. The third strength is awareness and being able to notice things.

My creative talent is being able to look outside the box, to be approachable and listen to others opinions, and the awareness of things around me. These help me in finding answers to situations that I may encounter because I’m willing to listen, learn, and observe.

There is a few abilities that I would like to see vast improvements on they our listed by one being the highest priority, and so on. Number one is having the audacity the assurance the skill that I would find most valuable in accomplishing a better and stronger self-confidence is learning to know and understand yourself. Number two would be having the mindset of someone who is willing to take chances for success. The answer to improving these skills is going to fall back on having the self-confidence and courage, being knowledgeable of changes in the area you’re looking at, and understanding yourself. Number three is preventing the same things from happening time after time. The skills that would help in improving this would be looking outside the box,

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