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Creative Writing: A Humorous Wedding

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"Be my wife and have my child to be a beneficiary."

"Your scent so sweet… . OK, I will hold you tight today."

"You need to pick one of us, and go through the night together with him."

Abruptly turned into a wife of the majority of the 7 hot nice looking big names!

You need to take after 3 sweet necessities presently!


You are functioning presently architect. Everything is great so far for your occupation however you don't have a hot sweetheart yet.

"I need to wed a hot fellow!"

While you are shouting out for that, a falling star all of a sudden shows up...

The next morning, you wake up in a dazzling palace like house!

Also, who is the gentleman embracing you so tight!?

[Your Hottie Husbands]

・Ayato Kamishiro …show more content…
・Shizuki Tojo

The youthful & recognized film executive of the entire motion picture world!

"You know, individuals say that ladies are performing artists. This time, I need you to show me what the reasonable significance of a few is."

It starts with a fake couple, however at last his unadulterated emotions changed into something energetic about you!?

・Tsubasa Suo

The doctor's facility chief and the expert of surgery.

"You have a high temperature. Have you come down with a bug? alternately Does it mean you feel horny..."

You, the new spouse, are struck on your spouse in white!

Numerous hot gentlemen like celebrated craftsmen, youthful president of an IT organization, mainstream rock star… and so on are all sitting tight for you to have you!

The new arrangement of the prevalent dating game for young ladies (Otome game) has been discharged by Arithmetic!

Presently, you can simply choose your most loved gentleman among those hot big names and begin your living in a palace like chateau!

Being encompassed by the hot attractive gentlemen and selecting a gentleman to go through the night with will turn into your

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