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To The Indigenous Women Summary

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In the class we watched 1491's poem "To the Indigenous Women". This video has clear introduction part. It states. “Violence against Native women is at epidemic levels”. Right after video shoes us two females, as representation of the violence victims. From begin video has mainly black and white colors which symbolizing depression. The video has much more females rather than males. They welcome incoming guests to their house, taking care of them and gathering in the circle. Circle meetings ensured that all people were allowed to speak and the words spoken were accepted and respected on an equal basis. Even if Native culture has matriarchal system, women still could be abused, and data provided in the poem mention it. From the gray start, the video stared to gain colors while people coming over to the house. Room filled up with people, sum light and color. As poem mentioned “1000 fires, for enough light to fill a room” I would say fire symbolizing home coziness, and obviously a woman, who always takes care of that coziness. So now from lonely, gray, and depressed room we have room full of the light, family, and coziness. …show more content…
That fact helps to flow poem better, and don’t mention out loud words such as rape, government fault, abuse inside of the family and so on. Phrases with would bring negative attitude to the poem, however, poem does have some straight forward lines for example “girlfriend punched in her pregnant stomach, to the wife who took the beatings so her kids wouldn’t have to, to the daughter who found a man as abusive as her dad”. Also the poem mentioned unfair low, which have to do action about the situation “I dare you to protect them Mr. President. I dare you to make laws for them, senators and representatives”. Those lines pretty much are bagging for changes from the government

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