Premium Essay

Creative Writing: Ponyboy's Death

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Pages 3
Drop it, drop the fag, it won't have any affect on the church lets leave. The next day we had lunch at dairy queen before walking up to the church, on our way a lady approached us telling us some kids were missing, we tried to help them but with all the excitement we couldn't tell where they were, suddenly everyone froze,quietly, someone was yelling, screaming, crying, we couldn't make out if it was one person or a couple, it looked like the church was on fire Quickly, Ponyboy and I ran up to the side of the church. Though many people were trying to stop us, we were determined to save those kids.
“All I could think was: We started it. We started it. We started it!”

Ponyboy threw a rock at the window to make an entrance for us. The smoke …show more content…
I shoved Ponyboy through the window into the safety of outside as fast as i could. Suddenly I heard a bang from the ceiling cracking loose. I tried to move my foot but it got caught between two floorboards that had separated during the fire.

That moment, as i watched the piece fall. Slowly it released itself from the ceiling,spinning,slower, gradually, and suddenly slapped against my back and knocked me over. The pain was excruciating,i saw the oceans of blood gushing out onto the burnt floorboards, i felt a shock in my head, instant pains, i couldn't see anything, everything was blurred,everything went black.

i woke up, drained, my eyes burning, head aching, my lungs felt compressed, i realized i was in the hospital even though i couldn't see anyone, Turns out i had broken my back as well. Ponyboy and Dally came to see me, they seemed happy, but sad, that look on their face showed that they were holding something in, Ponyboy brang a copy of Gone with the wind so that time would pass by.

The nurse came up to me and whispered that my mother was here to see me, i thought, i didn't know what to say, she would ruin everything, scold me, make me feel worse.

”i don't wanna see her” i said.

“But, but she’s your mother,” the nurse

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