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Inuit Research Paper

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After the Inuit were introduced to a “western” lifestyle their health took a turn for the worse, being introduced to new ways of cooking, foods with more sugar, fast food, and tobacco. I will be talking about how these new introductions to the Inuit and the effects they had on the people.
One of the biggest changes in the lives of the Inuit was a new diet. The Inuit had previously consumed a diet of mostly meat, which was high in phosphorus and low in calcium, when they were introduced to a non-nomadic life style they had different ways to prepare the meals and didn’t have to worry about sharing all the their game animals because hunting with a rifle was easier than with a harpoon, and almost every hunter was able to catch their own seal for …show more content…
He also detected glucose intolerance (difficulty in keeping blood sugar levels stable after ingesting sugar)” and “Dental health also suffered from high-sugar diets and lack of fluoridated water, with increased rates of dental caries. Many adults had lost all their teeth and wore dentures (324). “Which was a very negative effect on the people, according to Artic Adaptions: “Adult Inuit molars are so hard, and their jaw muscles so strong, that they can crunch through bones easily. Nevertheless, some suffered from mild calcium deficiency …show more content…
Once exposed to the Europeans: “Many Inuit died from diphtheria, pneumonia, measles, flu, tuberculosis, and syphilis. The Baffin Island population declined sharply from an estimated 1,600 in 1840 to 328 in 1883 due to disease and relocation” “Shifts to settlement living between 1950 and 1970 helped Inuit avoid famine, but many were newly exposed to infectious disease. In the 1950s rubella (German measles) caused the death of many children in Cumberland Sound. Meningitis also killed some children and left a few other children deaf and blind (Hankins 2000). The prevalence of hepatitis B, a chronic but serious disease, reached as high as 56 percent in northern Baffin Island in the 1970s ( Repercussions 322)”. Since the people were in more close contact to more people (rather than in small groups) the children, who were most vulnerable, were dying from meningitis, hepatitis B, tuberculosis rather than being starved to death, both would be agonizing way to die, especially as an infant, but before they had to do it for the wellbeing of the entire

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