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Pseudo Art Research Paper

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R.G. Collingwood’s claim that true art expresses emotion while pseudo-art arouses emotion is true. Expression theorists believe that something is art if it expresses true emotion through the artist. There is a big difference between arousing emotion and expressing emotion. An important aspect to consider when thinking about the difference between the arousal and the expression of an emotion is the audience. The difference between pseudo-art and true art and their implications to society will be covered in this paper. First, it is important to distinguish the difference between an art and a craft. A craft is something that is planned out first and produced second with the intent of achieving a specific end result. From the very beginning …show more content…
It arouses the same emotion to an entire group of people. Horror films are examples of amusement are that are used as a device to arouse and discharge certain emotions in a way that does not interfere with practical life (78). For example, many horror films are meant to put the entire audience through the same rollercoaster of emotions throughout the movie. Specifically, the audience is familiar with how generic horror movie plots go and although they may be scared during the movie they know what emotions to expect to feel and when to feel them. Collingwood thinks that the effects of pseudo-art is very similar to how a drug …show more content…
For Collingwood, Pseudo-art is a danger to society. Pseudo-art becomes a danger to society when the debt that amusement imposes on a person’s mind is too great to be paid off in the practical world (95). Today’s society is flooded with television shows, films, music, websites, and advertisements that do nothing for the people of society accept think for them and make decisions for them. For example, Netflix is tailored to the individual and will choose movies for the audience to watch. The society has been saturated with pseudo-art and people are outwardly expressing their feelings less and less. There is a big need to art to make its way back into

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