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Creon Burial At Thebes Analysis

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Prior to my conflict with Creon, the battle between Polyneices and Eteocles for control of the throne culminated in a devastating battle that resulted in the brutal death of my brothers. The aftermath of their fraternal conflict left Thebes devastated, with numerous buildings destroyed and the citizens left without a ruler. Consequently, my uncle Creon was the only acceptable replacement, so he ascended to the throne of Thebes. Soon after his coronation, Creon vowed to become a benevolent ruler that would ensure justice throughout Thebes. However, despite his promise to be a gracious king, Creon issued a decree that prohibited me from burying my beloved Polyneices which violated my familial duty and divine law. As the daughter of Oedipus, I witnessed firsthand the catastrophic impacts that defying the will of the gods can have on people as their wrath inadvertently killed my father and mother. Therefore, I was terrified that Creon’s decree would enrage the gods, which would threaten the entire city of Thebes. So I was forced to bury my brother, even if it cost me my life. Although Creon succumbed to hubris, tyranny, and defiance of the will of the gods, I was driven by the noble pursuit of upholding the gods’ divine will, rebelling against tyranny, and altering an unjust decree …show more content…
However, Creon, consumed by his own hubris and desire for power, forbade me from fulfilling my sacred duty, which led to divine retribution. This is evident as the gods unleashed a devastating plague upon Thebes as punishment for Creon's crimes which resulted in widespread suffering and despair. Creon’s hubris ultimately led to forced suicide, as well as the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice. Despite facing the tyranny of Creon, my unwavering devotion to the gods showcased my tragic fate as I realized from the start what needed to be accomplished, yet I was punished for

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