Charles Manson was a man that had many issues in his life. From birth through his childhood growing up he was in and out of foster care and living with family members. This part in his life play a big deal in physiological state that made him into a psychopathy that harmed people to get revenge on the world because of his mental issues growing up.
Charles Manson was born to a 16 year old girl named Kathleen Maddox. His mother ran away from home at the age of 15 years old and spent the next couple of decades doing drugs and drinking. Most of Charles Manson’s childhood he spent in jail. Charles bounced around from family members and often at reform schools and boys’ homes. Before the age of ten he had already stolen cars and added burglary and stealing to his list. Charles was sent to live with a strictly religious aunt a sadistic uncle. The uncle constantly berated Charles as a sissy, dressing him in girl’s clothing for first day of school, to help Charles effort to act like a man. When Charles mother made Parole she reclaimed her son but was an unfit mother. She was an alcoholic who would bring home lovers of both sexes; frequently his mother would leave Charles with neighbors, for hour at a time then disappeared for days or weeks on the end. On one occasion, she reportedly gave Charles to a barmaid, in payment for a pitcher of beer. Manson had an extremely traumatic childhood. The behavior theory would argue that since he did not have a mother in his life, was neglected and bounced from house to house that a life of criminal behavior was inevitable. In most cases the trauma came from woman. This helped Charles Manson build a role in which he established an enormous power over women. Charles CT scan revealed a drastic decrease in the amount of grey matter in his brain in which controls moral behavior so the decrease would explain his immoral behavior. Psychoanalytic theory applied to Charles Manson is the abnormal behavior that attributed to abnormalities. The theory psychoanalytic refers to organization of the personality and dynamics of personality development. This theory plays a role of unconscious impulse and the way the mind overcomes conflict. The grey theory played a big part in his mental state it backs up the belief that his childhood experiences and unconscious desire influenced his behaviors. The components of his paradigm helped explain some of Charles Manson’s behavior. He exhibited denial component by pretending as if his past traumas did not exist. Two of the most easily identifiable components of Manson’s behavior are Sublimation and Projection. In his mind’ Charles Manson was able to convert sex and aggression to acceptable behavior. He was able to project his impulses onto others to get his followers to carry out the criminal acts.
Many theories played into Charles Manson’s life especially the strain theory because he had many losses in life. Evidence suggested that these strain-inducing experiences left Manson with feelings of emptiness and resentment that might have led to him to attempting crimes and delinquency. In the Indianapolis School for Boys, Charles Manson was faced with abuse within 3 hours of being put in the school. In an attempt to escape form the school Charles Manson was beaten by his supervisor with a leather strap in another instance, Charles was forcibly raped by four schoolmates. When found by the supervisor the schoolmates were told to quit horsing around and leave the area. Well he was in the school Charles had many opportunities to be influence by schoolmates by learning criminal behavior by the age of twelve he learned ways to bet the law. For Charles spending time in different reformatory schools he meets all types of people he resided alongside hardened gangsters and high caliber criminals. Said by Manson my heroes were not movie-stars or sports star figures, but the guys that got away with crime like Al Capone and Mickey Cohens the mobsters that were into high crime was his heroes.
In 1969 Charles Manson became the leader of a group of nine people that were followers of him they were a group of young, dysfunctional, and homicidal followers. They were better known as the Manson Family. Under the influence of Charles Manson, were responsible for the murders of 7 innocent people in an attempt to start a counterrevolution in the United States. It was come to find out Manson was an extreme racists. Charles Manson was expired by the Beatles release of the album White containing the song Helter Skelter. He thought a war was going to rise from the white and black tension. In masterminding these crimes Charles introduced violence into what was supposed to be a peace-loving utopia. Psychological analyses have portrayed Charles Manson as the quintessential psychopath and focused on his early development. When Manson and his Family went on their murder spree in a course of two months on July 1969, one person was killed. On August 1969, five people were slain; the following night two more innocent people murdered. The murderous destruction by Manson involved a single murder on the first occasion, a mass murder on the second, and a double murder on the third.
Out of the group that followed Manson many think that the group did not have issues like him. One in common was Tex Watson he came from a background that does not seem to provide causation for sociopathic assessment. He was an achiever from a Christian background without remarkable discipline or legal issues. On the surface, it would appear Watson was quite normal until his involvement with the Manson family. He then spun out of control, just to return to normal when removed from the drug addled environment he lived in. But another member of the group Leslie Van Houten, who grew up in a Los Angeles suburb, was a homecoming queen who fell in with the counterculture. Her parents divorced when she was 14, and her mother forced her to have an abortion when she got pregnant not long after. As Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi recounted in the true-crime classic "Helter Skelter," a psychiatrist who interviewed Van Houten called her "a spoiled little princess" unable "to suffer frustration and delay of gratification" who once beat her adopted sister with a shoe. It is quite clear that Leslie Van Houten was a psychologically loaded gun which went off as a consequence of the complex intermeshing of highly unlikely and bizarre circumstances. Hochman also said that Van Houten was not as much under Manson's spell as were other members of the family.
The theory behind Charles Manson is that his childhood had a lot to play behind his mental health issue from being abused to living with different family members and other types of homes. Not having a mother or father in his life played a big deal because he was extremely bossy with them. So people might say he was born crazy but it had a lot to do on the way he was raised. With all the evidence that was talked about you can tell his childhood played a factor about his mental issues growing up had a lot to do with him being unstable.
REFERENCE sociopathic-and-psychopathic-behaviours