...module examines the process of strategic management, focusing on the nature of strategy formulation and implementation. The analysis of strategy concepts and case study examples will be used to develop awareness of the factors that must be considered in strategic decision-making. Topics include: strategic vision and mission, environmental and industry analysis; generic strategies; core competence; growth and diversification; internationalization and the execution of strategy. At the end of the module we are able to subject the. * Concepts of strategic management to critical analysis; analyze the business and competitive environment; formulate competitive and development strategies drawing on relevant concepts, demonstrate an awareness of factors that must be considered in implementing strategy and leading strategic change. * A critical understanding and appreciation of the various behavioral manifestations of customer engagement * Identify and critically evaluate relevant theories underpinning such customer behaviors * Consolidate and integrate the knowledge and understanding gained from this module with other associated marketing modules * Sufficient knowledge to identify and manage these customer behaviors in their own or a related business * A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the frameworks and concepts of strategic market management and planning. * To demonstrate expertise in conducting a strategic audit of an organization and recommend...
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...Global Strategy and Leadership is the capstone segment for the CPA Program professional level. This segment consolidates your learning in the other three compulsory segments, Ethics and Governance, Financial Reporting and Strategic Management Accounting. In the increasingly complex business environment in which organisations operate, characterised by change, uncertainty and escalating competition, the disciplines of strategy and leadership have become critical to successful organisational performance. The aim of this segment is to link the knowledge of management and financial accounting to the concepts of strategy and leadership. Accountants use a variety of technical information to make decisions for the future of the business within an ethical framework of operation. This segment shows that accounting information, ethics, strategy and leadership are applicable to accountants working throughout the world in diverse organisations. As discussed in Ethics and Governance, accounting as a profession is respected internationally and CPAs are employed worldwide. The segment materials address the needs of candidates operating in different international markets in varying roles. This segment builds upon knowledge gained in the other three compulsory segments of the professional level. The concepts of professional ethics and good governance underpin the segment. Candidates who have previously undertaken the Advanced Audit and Assurance or Strategic Management Accounting segments will...
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...Human Resource Planning ^ Brian J. Smith, John W. Boroski, and George E. Davis - INTRODUCTION Human Resource (HR) planning is the formal process of linking business strategy with human resource practices. Approaches to human resource planning can be arrayed along a continuum ranging from an "add-on" to business strategy to a separate planning process (Figure 1). At one end of the continuum, HR planning is little more than a postscript to a business planning process. After engaging in an extensive business planning process in which business product, market, and technological directions are defined, questions about HR practices are raised. These questions deal with the structure, competencies, accountabilities, organization, and leadership required to make the strategy work. At this end of the continuum, HR issues are an afterthought to business strategy. They receive relatively little attention and become an appendage to business planning. In the extreme, line managers consider the HR questions as an afterthought to "real" planning efforts. At the other end of the continuum, HR planning is a distinct and separate planning process. The HR department not only initiates the effort for HR planning, but executes and administers the plan. In this case the HR plan is more a process for shaping priorities for the HR function than for the business. In extreme cases, HR plans are created with little or no awareness or input by line managers. While the outcome may be an elegant document...
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...the Seminar,” provide examples from the Introduction to Strategic Studies Course case study and subsequently identify two of those mission specific outcomes that I believe that will be critical to my success as an emerging strategic leader. As GEN George C Marshall stated at the onset of WWII, It became clear to me that at the age of 58, I would have to learn new...
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...graduate students in the Ken Blanchard College of Business. Emphasis is placed on utilizing the tools for graduate success. 2 MGT-605 Leadership and Organizations The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the Ken Blanchard College of Business, key concepts of leadership, and an overview of how the science of organizational behavior contributes to effective leaders and managers. 4 ACC-502 Accounting Practices This course is designed for individuals who are preparing for more advanced coursework in accounting and for students who have not had accounting in undergraduate work. Topics covered include the principles and practices of financial accounting and the fundamentals of managerial accounting, such as cost behavior and budgeting. The course covers accounting theories using computational examples, and homework is problem solving. 4 FIN-504 Finance Principles This course is designed for individuals who are preparing for more advanced coursework in accounting and is designed for students who have not had finance in undergraduate work. Topics covered include financial analysis, financial planning, asset evaluation, capital structure, and working capital management. 4 SYM-506 Applied Business Probability and Statistics The purpose of this course is to prepare students in mathematical, probability, and statistical concepts for their upcoming studies in quantitative methods. The course is intended for those students who have not had any prior statistical education...
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...BHM329 STRATEGY, CHANGE AND LEADERSHIP Number of Aston Credits: Number of ECTS Credits: 15 7.5 Staff Member Responsible for the Module: Dr Yves Guillaume Work & Organisational Psychology Group Aston Business School, South Wing, Room 8017, Extension 3252 Email: y.r.f.guillaume@aston.ac.uk Dr Nicholas Theodorakopoulos Work & Organisational Psychology Group Aston Business School, South Wing, Room 8015, Extension 3472 Email: n.theodorakopoulos@aston.ac.uk Availability: See Blackboard or contact WOP Group Administrator Mrs Jenny Thomson, SW802, Extension 3257 Pre-requisites for the module: None. Mode of Attendance: On Campus Module Objectives and Learning Outcomes: Enhance understanding of different forms and levels of organisational change, using key concepts from organisational theory and practice. Introduce students to theoretical concepts and tools that can be used to manage effectively organisational change. To provide students with the most current, and best available scientific evidence on approaches of leadership effectiveness and development in organisations to enable students to critically evaluate the validity and usefulness of these approaches. To provide students with the knowledge and practical skills to enable them to work most effectively in organisations through leading and influencing At the end of the module students will be able to: Appreciate the organisational and environmental factors that drive organisational change. Understand different...
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...Strategic Management-2 Case Study Synopsis Of Case:-1) Competitive Advantage in new patent regime 2) Strategic leadership and competitive advantage 1) Competitive Advantage in New Patent Regime: A Study of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry In the global business environment, traditional factors e.g labour costs and superior access to financial recourses and raw materials can still create a competitive advantage in the current competitive landscape. In the current landscape, the recourses, capabilities and the core competencies in the firm’s internal organization likely have a stronger influence on its performance than do conditions in the external environment. The IPI is one of the largest and most advanced among the developing countries. It is the 4th largest by volume i.e. around 8 percent and 11th largest in terms of value i.e. around 1.5 percent. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is a heterogeneous mixture of firms split between the organized and unorganized sectors. The control and support of the Indian government plays a critical role in the competitiveness of the IPI. According to Sampath (2006), areas of government support critical to the IPI include speed of processing of patent applications, R&D conducive environment, and reduced price Control, access of land for expansion and the patent amendment act, 2005. The government can also help increase the potential of the nascent venture capital industry in India, with an emphasis...
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...ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Does moral leadership matter? MBA412-Fall, 2014 BIBHU DASH 2014 Contemporary Business Perspective and Leadership Skills Table of Contents Page # 1. Introduction 2. Basic concepts and analysis of Moral and Ethical Leadership 3. Definition of Concepts a. Defining Leadership b. Defining Moral Leadership 4. Current State of Knowledge a. Literature Review 5. Argument Map 6. Assumptions and Point of View by Stakeholders 7. Evaluation of Argument a. Wheel Of Critical Thinking b. Universal Intellectual standards Evaluation 8. Key Take-Away 9. Plan to enhance Moral leadership skills a. Plan Table 10. Bibliography 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 1 Introduction Does moral leadership matter? In my opinion, yes it really does matter. Even if for high organization performance the leadership has to focus on high shareholder returns, but it should not solely focus on returns by compromising boundaries of morality. In this paper we will discuss whether moral leadership is crucial for an organization to be successful. First, we will define what moral leadership is and will discuss what are the standards of morality that needs to be maintained in a high performing organization. Then we will discuss whether the moral standards will be same for both personal and organization or they will be different. Then we will talk about the current state of knowledge of this topic and the implications and recommendations that we have found from our literature...
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...should the senior team in BBC Broadcasting & Presentation develop their thinking to sustain the momentum of total quality/business excellence? Pillars and Dimensions of Total Quality Management Customer Focus Continuous Improvement Employee Investment and Empowerment Systems Thinking Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle Leadership Customer Focus through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) European Forum for Quality Management (EFQM) Balance Scorecard Programme Management Process (BSPM) Establishment and set up of Programme Office Strategic Analysis Strategic Development Strategic Implementation Strategic Implementation: Measure and Appraise 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 16 16 17 19 19 21 22 22 23 4 Conclusion 24 5 Bibliography 25 Executive Summary BBC Broadcasting & Presentation began their quality journey when their mission statement was emerged out of a lengthy process. They develop objectives that connected to their mission. To deliver their mission they had critical success factors and key performance indicators than linked to the critical success factors. They also assigned owners to each critical process and total quality measures were put in place. BBC Broadcasting & Presentation needed to introduce changes due to the diversification of the department’s customer base, an almost 50% increase in staff numbers and the launching of new commercial and public service channels. This new business was being bolted on old...
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...John Molson School of Business Strategic Management and Cost Management Concepts April 8, 2010 Section G Table of Contents Introduction 2 1. Overview of Cost Management and Strategy 3 2. Implementing Strategy 5 3. Basic Concepts 10 Conclusion 14 References 15 Appendix I: Product & Period Costs 18 Appendix 2: Balanced Scorecard 19 Companies are constantly trying to improve their business and the quality of their products. While Marketing and Operations Management are two departments that aid in improving a company’s business, the accounting department plays a major role in this transformation as well. Considering the managerial aspect of accounting, a lot of what it takes to improving ones business is cost management and strategy. Strategic and cost management are essential to any business as they provide the foundation for determining problems and improving quality. Strategic and cost management concepts can be broken down into three parts: the overview of strategies that can be used, the ways to implement these strategies and the cost concepts that can be used to manage costs. 1. Overview of Cost Management and Strategy There are several cost and strategic techniques that can be used to improve a company’s overall position. These techniques, however, are within broader topics, such as the business environment, management techniques and competitive strategy. Firstly, a changing...
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...This paper is about the complexity of managing organizations. As theoretical groundwork the book Organising and Managing Work by Tony Watson will be used. The book by Tony Watson covers issues about organizational, managerial and strategic behavior. In particular, the author argues for a critical common sense and the use of philosophical pragmatism (Watson, 2006). He also questions the way work is organized and managed. Finally, the process-relation perspective, a critical perspective of how to think about organizations and their relations and interactions with people, is taken by Watson (2006). This paper will start with a description of the two theories “System-control framing” and “Process-relational framing”. Afterwards the three concepts strategic exchange, negotiated order and double control will be defined and exemplified by different cases from the course. Finally, the paper will look into the complexity of managing knowledge at organizations supported by examples from Danone and McKinsey. In the field of leadership and management studies, there are two main perspectives “System-control framing” and “Process-relational framing”, which can help to analyze and make sense of complex organizations. The system-control perspective recognizes organizations as an entity that is “a system of managerially designed rules and roles existing on its own terms […] based on an organization design with a set of structural and cultural characteristics” (Watson, 2006, p.30). According...
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...Marshall, Army Chief of Staff Reflection Paper on Strategic Leadership Seminar, block 1 On the verge of block two of Strategic leadership seminar, I am pondering over my own leadership experience gained last two decades at the tactical level. As an infantry officer for 20 years, most of my time was spent in the field with the troops, in spite of attending...
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...strategy into objectives, metrics, initiatives, and tasks customized to each group and individual in the organization. Agents . HWSE is a large company that consists of numerous departments; we need to make all of them cooperate to increase whole company's general efficiency and performance as we continue to expand globally. As we become a worldwide company, each department might be thousands miles apart and will create new challenges of management but a performance dashboard can concentrate and focus global performance management from one location. The dashboard should be viewed as a performance management system to give our company strategic objectives and allow managers to measure and monitor key activities and processes as we evolve to reach goals. The performance dashboard will give us ability to monitor critical processes via preconceived metrics and data which in turn can prompt alerts of potential performance gaps. The gathered data from the dashboard will allow more accurate root cause analysis thru use of relevant and readily available data. The overall all objective of the performance dash board will be more efficient management of people, resources and processes with improved decisions, optimal performance and the company growing exponentially. The first step my team will take is completing a full-scope evaluation which consists of four separate types of evaluation which are formative, summative, confirmative and meta....
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...Articles Building a Culture That Encourages Strategic Thinking Ellen F. Goldman1 and Andrea Casey1 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 17(2) 119–128 © Baker College 2010 Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1548051810369677 http://jlos.sagepub.com Abstract The ability to think strategically is critical for leaders and managers at multiple organizational levels. Specific work experiences can contribute to the development of an individual’s strategic thinking ability. Culture, among other organizational factors, can either encourage or limit those contributions. Leaders, as culture constructors and transformers, can act to maximize the relationship between organizational culture and the process of learning to think strategically. A cadre of formal training, developmental activities, and self-directed learning initiatives can provide leaders with the skills to enhance the strategic thinking of those they lead. Keywords strategic thinking, management learning, leadership development, organizational culture “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” This management truism is linked to examples of how strategy failed, acknowledging that actions attempted were inconsistent with the organization’s values, beliefs, and assumptions (Weeks, 2006). The strategy-eating potential of culture has been used as the basis for recommending that leaders initiate large-scale change efforts to align culture with strategy. However, it has...
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...governance structure/project staffing needs, benefits/outcomes and Meaningful Use Objectives (in the US) etc. | Executive & Clinical Leadership Team, (Note: ensure the Quality Director is also included as benefits will be discussed) | 2-4 hrs | Client Site | | Strategic Assessment | The Strategic Assessment is a diagnostic approach that assesses an organization’s culture and readiness for change. During this assessment, leadership, end-users and prospective project team members are engaged to assess the healthcare organization’s current situation, challenges and opportunities. | Client Physician ResourcesClient Transformation Consultant | Assessments are conducted over a wk period and results presented in a combined session | Client Site | | Project Preparation Session | ● Project Overview Presentation - Review Project Roles/Expectations, Key Events/Dates, Meaningful Use objectives for project etc. ● Solution and Tools Workshop - MethodM Online (Online Project Plan and Sharepoint Site), WBTs (Web-based training tools to introduce the project team to Millennium), Bedrock (Wizards used to design/build components of the database) ● Open House Demonstrations - Scheduled via Live Meeting with Cerner Solution Architects to introduce the client team to Millennium and the solutions being implemented | Entire Project Team - Key Leadership, Analysts, Subject Matter Experts | 2-4 days | Client Site | | Millennium Fundamentals Course | ● Review Cerner Millennium Foundation...
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