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Critical Thinking Case Study

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Divide participants into six groups. Pass out a hazing scenario card to each group and discuss the following.

1. Why is this hazing?
2. What other activities are similar to this?
3. What was the original goal of this activity?
4. What could you do if you heard of this activity happening in your chapter?

1. Polly is a new member and she has an assignment to get the signatures of all the seniors by the end of the night.
2. Molly is in charge of taking food orders for all seniors who have been drinking. She has a huge test in the morning, but she is “required” to pick up food for any senior who needs to be taken to get food.
3. Sally is nervous because she has a Fraternity education quiz tonight. She hasn’t studied all of the …show more content…
It is a Friday night and Whitney has been taken to a fraternity house on campus for a pre-initiation function. She was asked to bring a beer bong with her to this party and was told, “you better be ready to party.” Whitney is looking forward to having a good time tonight.
5. Greta and the other new members were blindfolded at 10 p.m. on Saturday night and taken to the football field. They were all given a list of items they needed to find before returning to the chapter facility. Greta does not like to be out so late at night and has no idea where to find the items on her list. She is afraid that she may be out all …show more content…
Distribute signs that say “yes” and “no” to each group.

I will read a list of activities. Your job, as a group, is to listen to each activity, discuss among yourselves, and decide whether or not it is considered hazing.
• Require new members to carry $5 on them at all times.
• Assign sober drivers to members of the sophomore class.
• Require study tables for freshmen and sophomores only.
• Not permit new members in the chapter room.
• Mislead new members about ceremonies or ritual with the excuse that it will be a surprise.
• Ask new members to recite the names and hometowns of active members.
• Require new members to wear inappropriate clothing or outfits.
• Require new members to get signature notebooks.
• Ask new members to pass a test for Initiation.
• Not allow new members to wear makeup and watches prior to Initiation.
• Wake up new members in the middle of the night and ask them to go on a milkshake run.
• Organize a scavenger hunt to lead new members to a fun party in their honor.
• Kidnap new members and take them to an amusement park for the day.
• Keep the date of Initiation secret.
• Have a senior servant day.
• Physically, verbally or sexually harass someone.
• Purposefully scare or intimidate new

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