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Cruel Truth Behind ALS Essay

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Cruel Truth Behind ALS and CTE´s
Sports,not much thinking is put into it when on the field other than winning the game,but is that actually the most important part? Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lugerigh´s disease is caused by concussions and head trauma it affects movement in joints and other body parts,slowing down reaction and ability . When head collisions occurs on the field most players are put back in the game with coaches not realizing the effect that it has on players in the long run. Some of these hits however can lead to much worst diseases such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) that causes relatively common behavioral symptoms in people such as anxiety,confusion,depression, and even mood swings. However as common as these symptoms are they can lead people to much more violent actions such as suicide and murder. To avoid this coaches,athletes,parents,and communities should expand knowledge on how to handle head injuries, to prevent this from happening.
Players on a daily get hit in the head, whether its at practice or during a game but neither the players nor the …show more content…
O.J was linebacker for the Canadian Football League until he was diagnosed with ALS in 2007. He started to notice his body changing while playing a game of racketball during the summer of 2007,by the end of the year he was in a wheelchair with almost no movement left in his body and not being able to speak. With his last year left Brigance and his family opened a foundation called the Brigance Brigade Foundation. THis foundation researches for a cure to ALS with the advancement over the years the family has tried to fundraise money so that people with a lower income affected by ALS have a computer to communicate with family and friends.¨Equip,Encourage,Empower” these same words are with every patient as the organization tries to maintain the patients and family positive through the

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