...HEB possess many corporate social responsibilities (CSR) and I believe that the way HEB executes their responsibilities can benefit and improve the Houston Food Bank (HFB). “The meaning of the CSR is to recognize that business firms have not one but many different kinds of responsibilities, including economic and legal responsibilities. Corporations have an economic responsibility to produce goods and services also to provide jobs and good wages to the work force while earning a profit (The Business Cornerstone). “The concept of corporate social responsibility is often expressed as the voluntary assumption of responsibilities that go beyond the purely economic and legal responsibilities of the firm (Scilly).” First, I will discuss the economic values of HEB. The economic part focuses on whether not the company can earn a profit before being a good corporate citizen. HEB focuses on producing the freshest produce and putting their customers first by listening to their customers and helping fulfill their any and every need within their capability. They also focus on maintaining low prices in a competitive market. “Two notable factors spring out: the first is being privately held, the second is its unique position as the only retailer of its scale and size to operate exclusively in one state and across the border in Mexico. Its familial tie to its Texan communities bolsters its sustainability goals and provides a competitive edge (Slott).” HEB thrives on diversity, supports their...
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...CSR 4. how can hsbc gain from implementing these programmes? 匯豐銀行怎麼能從執行這些方案中獲益? * hsbc can enhance its image and reputation as many members of the public regard hsbc as a responsible corporate citizen, which may help hsbc win more customers. in the long run, when people treat hsbc as their preferred bank and do more business with the bank, the bank can reap large profit from customers loyalty 匯豐能增強公眾對於匯豐銀行的形象和聲譽,許多成員作為一個負責任的企業公民,這可能有助於匯豐銀行贏得更多的客戶。從長遠來看,當人們把匯豐銀行作為他們的首選銀行,做更多的業務與銀行,銀行就可以收穫客戶的忠誠度較大的利潤 * customer praise is the best promotional tool and word-of-mouth advertising can create more business opportunities for hsbc. the benefits gained from implementing environmental protection programs by hsbc will outweigh the extra costs incurred 客戶的讚美是最好的宣傳工具和口碑的廣告能為匯豐銀行創造更多的商業機會。匯豐銀行從實施環保計劃獲得的收益將超過所產生的額外費用 what are hsbc's social responsibility to the environment and to the shareholders. 哪些是匯豐銀行的社會責任,環境和股東。 as a corporate citizen of society, hsbc has a responsibility to society, hsbc should protect the environment and take the interest of the community into account, and also 為社會的企業公民,匯豐銀行社會責任,匯豐應該保護環境,走社會的利益考慮 as a member of society, chan should act according to the law. it is important for him and the company to comply with legal requirements. if he breaks the law, the violation may affect his personal reputation as well as that of the company. if the stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, prospective customers lose faith in the company, financial losses...
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...The organization I chose was Wal-Mart. Their marketing philosophy is sales and market oriented. For example Wal-Mart defines its goods and services as a great value and is guaranteed and gives its customers the everyday low price and if it is low anywhere else you can price match or get your money back difference if you already purchased it. As the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart saves their customers money and helps ensure a better world for generations to come by setting three aspirational sustainability goals, to be supplied 100% by renewable energy, to create zero waste, and to sell products that sustain people and the environment. I know from working there that they recycle the meat and oil, and produce to farms and companies to be reused. They also have a website where you can check out other things they are having in the works. Wal-Mart is a corporate citizen by in 2011 alone; Wal-Mart and the Wal-Mart Foundation gave $958.9 million in cash and in-kind contributions around the world. This includes $872.7 million in cash and in-kind gifts in the United States and $86.2 million in cash and in-kind gifts in international markets. In addition, Wal-Mart associates volunteered more than 1 million hours that resulted in more than $13 million in grants to local nonprofits. Ethical responsibility is when Wal-Mart collaborates with other retailers, brands, NGOs and government leaders to verify the products they sell are produced in a way that provides dignity and respect for workers...
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...Part A: CSR Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept where organizations, mainly companies, have a responsibility to make an effort to improve the quality of their workforce and to make a positive impact to the surrounding society and the environment. Companies should not only base their decisions solely on financial factors, but on social and environmental values. Some benefits of having CSR include improving corporate image to the consumers. According to UK Small Business Consortium, as referenced on the Simply CSR website (2008), “88% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a company that supports and engages in activities to improve society.” With the rapid usage of unethical business practices, such as spreading negativity about another company via social media, it is easy for a company to get a bad reputation in the consumer’s eyes. However, by promoting CSR, companies will be seen as the “good guys” and potentially gain the trust of the consumers. That trust can carry a company in the long run. Other benefits include maintaining an excellent workforce, differentiating the company from its competitors, and providing access to investment and funding opportunities. Part B: Ethics According to Investopedia, a stakeholder is, “a party that has an interest in an enterprise or project” (Investopedia, n.d.). The stakeholder in the case study on ethical behavior is Ray Pon. Ray is considered to be a stakeholder because he has self-interests in regards...
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... PAPELRIFIC “Your Paper is Terrific” BUSINESS PROPOSAL A. THE COMPANY 1. Name of the Company PAPELRIFIC - “Your Paper is Terrific” The name of the company emerged from the creative minds of the group members. Indeed, the company name, Papelrific, satisfies its product since we produce special papers, bookmarks and stationery made from an ecofriendly source which is the banana. We could proudly say that “your paper is terrific”. Logo of the Business The logo represents the opportunity of this paper business to enter and embrace the new chapter of its life. The letter “P” at the center symbolizes that we could be the center of this business and many could be inspired to us. The colors represent the colorful experience of the group by doing the project. It also represents the colorful love that he group wants to give to Mother Earth. 2. MISSION STATEMENT * We are committed to develop and provide an Earth friendly and state of the art paper stationery. * We are committed to have a good relationship with our customers and continually innovate to provide high quality of products. * We are committed to provide alternative papers for students and individuals who are concerned with the environment. 3. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF THE COMPANY A typical office worker uses about 50 sheets of paper a day, which accumulates to 250 sheets or half a ream for every five-day work week. Each worker therefore consumes two reams of paper a month. For a whole...
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...of textbook (Paper Life Cycle, 2011) Step 1 (Forest) Firstly, the producer will seek materials for making papers, the woods is the main material of making papers. The manufacturers will purchase lots of woods from the supplier of trees to progress their papers. So that the, supplier will cut down the trees from the forest instead to supply to the producers. When these happened, if the landowners failed to practice sustainable, this will cause the failure of sustainability of managing forest and damaged to the environment heavily (Life Cycle, 2011). Step 2 (Transportation) Secondly, after harvested the trees and clean up and get the woods ready for deliver to the paper manufacturer. The woods would be store in an inventory before gather up and transfer to the manufacturers. This step requires the machine to arrange and pick to the transportation or inventory which is man power hardly to do. The woods will deliver to the manufacturer accordingly to the quantity of order. During this step, the social impact toward the society could be offered job opportunity and not much impact to the environment (Life Cycle, 2011).. Step 3(Paper Making) Thirdly, the process is to remove all of the bark from logs. Afterward chipping the logs, we cook the wood chips in a large vessel under pressure with heat and chemicals. When the cooking is complete, the pulp is washed to separate the fiber from the lignin and cooking chemicals. Then come to the paper making process....
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...Texas Department of Public Safety Regulatory Services Division www.dps.texas.gov TEXAS PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM For DPS Use Only PRESCRIPTION PAD MAIL-IN ORDER FORM 0 $ 0.00 # OF PADS PAYMENT AMOUNT Order Submission Prescription pads are $9 per pad (100 prescriptions). Payment or online payment receipt must accompany order. No refunds or credits. Allow 30 days for delivery. Online Payment Trace Number PRACTITIONER (Mid-Level Practitioners: Please use RSD-19A) Last Name: CSR Number: Current Board License Number: Current Federal (DEA) Registration Number: Online Transaction Date First Name: Middle Name: (IF ANY) Suffix: Degree: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: State State: Name, address and registration numbers are printed exactly as they appear on your current DPS Controlled Substances Registration. Enter your primary practice address information below, only if the information has changed. Business Address: (Physical Address required, if using PO box.) City: Business Phone: State: State ZIP Code: County: Print on Prescription Pad Yes No I verify the information provided above is true and correct, and I understand any required fee is non-refundable. I also understand this is an official government record and any missing information and/or false statement made on this document or any other supplement provided to DPS may result in criminal prosecution. Date: Authorized Signature of Registrant , ...
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...An illustration denoting the timeless elegance of created by Mavra Almas, 2005 Suraj Miani Sahib in Multan. Annual Report of Packages Limited 2012 Naqsh School Foundation in of 2003, Arts was established by the Babar Ali with the purpose to revive the traditional arts of miniature, naqashi (the art of arabesques) and calligraphy. Naqsh artists and students have excelled in the art of naqashi, which has been inspired from the rich historical monuments of the Packages Limited the years. We Annual Report Mughal is proud to have been a patron of Naqsh over are happy to dedicate the theme of this year’s to the revival of traditional naqashi, using some of the artworks produced by the A era. On the Naqsh School Cover Page: magnificent display of true arabesque patterns coming to life – Jahangir’s tomb Afshan Ijaz, n.d. a masterpiece inspired by created by in Lahore. of Arts. Ottoman Majesty The strikingly intricate beauty of a 16th century ceiling artwork. the mausoleum of Shah Rukn-e-Alam in Multan. A spectacularly intricate painting depicting Created 2 by Sadia Jamil, 2012 Annual Report of Packages Limited 2012 Contents 04 Company Profile 06 Company Information 08 Organogram 10 Business Divisions 21 Entity Rating Governance 22 24 26 30 31 Board of Directors Management Committees Vision, Mission...
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...writing. In fact, the three universities that I have attended in the past have all required me to use the APA style of writing. As I recall my high school years, the APA style of writing also seemed to be a favorite amongst my high school teachers. They all required that term papers be written in APA style as well. This type of writing actually does not differ much from the ones included in the text reading. The text mentioned the APA style of writing several times. In my opinion, it appears to be the most popular style of writing, especially amongst college students. Based on the results of the quizzes, my grammar skills were actually a little better than average. I actually had expected to do better, but I guess my grammar skills are not as good as I thought they were. In any event I feel very confident when it comes to spelling, as I have always been a great speller. Even in grade school, I was a good speller. I learned at a very young age to challenge myself when it comes to spelling. Challenging my-self in that area really paid off as I became older, as I’ve never had a problem with spelling. However, I feel that I need more help with run on sentences and with thought patterns. Though I proof read my paper several times, it’s hard for me to see that I have several run on sentences until after I get my grade back. In general, I feel that my writing is just mediocre. However, I also believe that when it comes to writing, I am my own worst critic. Reason being, I am never...
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...computer and communications equipment (owned by MIS) magnetic media (owned by Manager) power supplies and plant, such as air-conditioning units (owned by MIS) Software assets (owned by MIS) • • • • application software system software development tools utilities Information assets (owned by Manager or MIS) ‘Information’ means information held by the Company on its own behalf and that entrusted to it by others. The following are examples of the media which may contain or comprise information assets. • • • • • • • • • • databases and data files system documentation user manuals training material operational or support procedures continuity plans and fallback arrangements back-up media on-line magnetic media off-line magnetic media paper Services • • computing and communications services (owned by MIS) heating, lighting and power (owned by Manager or Building Services Manager) 1 17/01/03 First•Base Technologies Town Hall Chambers High Street Shoreham-by-Sea West Sussex BN43 5DD UK Tel: +44 (01273 454 525 Fax: +44 (0)1273 454 526 info@firstbase.co.uk Guidance on Information Classification Categories for classifying document security Category 1 : Routine (non-confidential) documents Description: All documents of a routine nature. Effects of disclosure: No measurable damage to the company or a department. Examples: Normal memos, routine reports, circulars. Estimated occurrence of this classification: More than 80% of all documents would be within this class...
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...TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CC: [CLICK HERE AND TYPE NAME] SAMUEL NEWMAN-BREMANG [CLICK HERE AND TYPE SUBJECT] OCTOBER 22, 2013 [CLICK HERE AND TYPE NAME] C R E A T I N G W A T E R M A R KS I N M I C R O S O F T W O R D [Note: Some steps may vary in Word 97. For additional help, search for “watermark” in the product help or on the Microsoft support site at http://support.microsoft.com.] A watermark is any text or graphic image (such as the “Draft” in the background of this document) that is printed to overlap existing text in a document. A logo printed lightly behind a letter or the word "Confidential" printed lightly on a contract are other examples of watermarks. The rotated “Draft” watermark on this page was created using the Word Art feature. You can insert pictures (such as a logo) from a file or using Clip Art. All three features can be found by clicking on Picture in the Insert menu. To view a watermark as it will appear on the printed page, click Print Layout on the View menu or click Print Preview on the File menu. The watermark will print on every page of this document, just like headers and footers. To edit the watermark or insert a new one, you need to click Header and Footer on the View menu. TO FORMAT A WORDART WATERMARK (LIKE THIS “DRAFT” EXAMPLE): Use the WordArt… command on the Format menu to choose your desired settings for your watermark. There are multiple tabs in that dialog. Use the “Colors and Lines” tab to set the color and transparency. (This “draft”...
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...How to Write a Good Academic Paper? That is a question which most students ask and most of them are new to academic writing. Academic writing if taken as a whole, then it would help you figure its significance and what is more important is, it would help you understand the purpose of it. Any good academic writer’s quality is his/her mind is loaded with creative set of ideas that help him navigate through the whole topic of academic paper. Ideas lead you to somewhere and only a few good students are gifted by nature and if you are not then you can also build up a good rhythm of academic writing. Secondly, you should also have a good sense of your audience; you should know what element of your academic writing would entice them and also create some space for your write-up for reading in their schedule. You then research for resources and data that would be of great use to enlighten your readers. Knowing what you audience wants, should be in your priority because readers enjoy what they seek in your writing. Usually what they look out for is something that could either bring them a smile or get them to think over the subject. Having creative ideas doesn’t guarantee a good and well-researched academic writing. You need to able to figure out ways of putting your research in a proper format so that readers don’t feel deviated from the focal point of your write-up. You should use your sources with proper attentiveness else it would completely ruin your efforts from top to bottom....
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...Hey Jessica, I’m glad your interested in attending the University of Phoenix let me tell you about some of the great resources that are available. First of all they have all kinds of hands on workshops that you can sign up for. They have ones for writing, math, computer skills, exam prep and plenty more. Some other resources are the Center for writing excellence and the Center for mathematics, there are grammar tutorials and plagiarism tutorials and a plagiarism checker as well to help make sure your papers have the proper grammar and the plagiarism checker reviews your paper and tells you how much similarities there is with your paper and other papers so you don’t accidentally plagiarize your paper. Riverpoint writer is a tool to help make sure you are citing your papers properly. In the center for mathematics center they have running start which gives you a review of math concepts to help you brush up on your skills, build math confidence gives you tips to deal with math anxiety it also has study tips, test tips, worksheets and videos. They also have live online math coaching which is only available two weeks before your math class starts through the end of your class. Hope reading about all these resources makes you want to come to the University even more. gotta go talk later. Hello Everyone, I want to review some of the great resources available here at the University of Phoenix. First off I want to go over the workshops that are available to you. There are all...
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...Joe Polce English 015 Mrs. Wickman How To Roll Your Own Cigarette Is anyone in your life a cigarette smoker? Do you often notice that they are always complaining about their ever-rising price? According to the U.S Census Bureau, out of the 6.7 billion people in the world, 2 billion are smokers of cigarettes or some other form of tobacco. Almost 75% of these 2 billion spend between $1000 - $1500 yearly on their favorite packs and cartons that they just cannot resist. We know its a habit, right? Its also an expensive habit. I am going to show you a quick and easy way to not only cut the cost of cigarettes in half, but also save you hundred of dollars. A select few smokers of the modern world have been fortunate enough to find the solution to the climbing prices of cigarettes. This solution is actually very simple. Why don’t we, instead of spending the $6 plus on an already produced pack of Marlboro Lights, make and produce our own pack of very similar cigarettes? Herein lies the solution; roll your own cigarettes. Most people shy away from such an idea claiming that they would never know where to start, or have no idea where they would buy the equipment, but on contrary the first steps to this new lifestyle are very easy, and the tools needed are readily available. The benefits of rolling your own cigarettes are numerous. First off, its inexpensive. GS Hammack, a man who writes for a website called AssociatedContact.com, said that “smokers that are looking for...
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...go fuck urself Paper is a thin material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging. It is produced by pressing together moist fibers, typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. Paper is a versatile material with many uses. Whilst the most common is for writing and printing upon, it is also widely used as a packaging material, in many cleaning products, in a number of industrial and construction processes, and even as a food ingredient – particularly in Asian cultures. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Papermaking 2.1 Chemical pulping 2.2 Mechanical pulping 2.3 Deinked pulp 2.4 Additives 2.5 Producing paper 2.6 Finishing 3 Applications 4 Types, thickness and weight 5 Paper stability 6 The future of paper 7 See also 8 References and notes 9 External links History Main article: History of paper Further information: Science and technology of the Han Dynasty and List of Chinese inventions Hemp wrapping paper, China, circa 100 BCE.The oldest known archeological fragments of paper date to 2nd century BC China. Papermaking is considered one of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China, and the pulp papermaking process is ascribed to Cai Lun, a 2nd century AD Han court eunuch.[1] With paper an effective substitute for silk in many applications, China could export silk in greater quantity, contributing to a Golden Age. Paper spread from China through the Islamic...
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