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Cultural Competency Definition

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When I resonate on the thought of cultural competence, there is more than the word “cultural.” The idea of multicultural comes to my mind because of the diverse society we live in. There are many different areas of cultural values and beliefs that as counselors we should be aware of, therefore, the word “Multicultural” includes everyone: race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and even age. According to Sue & Sue, p. 48, (2013), they define cultural competence as a helping professional who is aware of ones one assumptions, values beliefs, understands the worldview of culturally diversity. According to Dr. Sue he states Cultural competence is a complex topic and a difficult concept to apply a definition to (Laureate Education, Inc., 2012g). Although I do agree, as a future counselor, I define cultural competence as any and all aspects that involves the …show more content…
However, my experience, as a healthcare professional in my current job has enabled me the ability to educate, and teach myself the importance of cultural competence as a skilled clinician. I feel with societal concerns that are forever changing and transitioning to world of new endeavors, is something that we as counselors will never know it all. Therefore, it is up to the individual counselor to do independent research, attend seminars, among other interactions to maintain a level of competency in cultural affairs concerning clients. Dr. Parham, express this the best when he states,” you can't just be a researcher, ““You also got to be a good clinician”, “And you can't just be a clinician, you also got to be a good academician and a teacher.” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2012g). Without this mindset, how can anyone develop a true sense of cultural competency. Cultural competency requires ongoing training and research in order to develop a full understanding about this

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