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The Army's Core Competencies In The US Army

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A competency may be described as a combination of skill, attitudes and behavior that an individual or an organization is competent at, that is, the ability to deliver; perform (a set of tasks with relative ease and with a high level of predictability in terms of quality and timeliness)(Spencer & Spencer,1993). Competencies are important, as they help to communicate what an individual stands for or what the expectation is (Ernest, 1989). The proper and careful use of competencies is important as it will help increase clarity in the system, bring transparency and build trust by avoiding multiple interpretations of the competence concept, both by the employees and the organizations (Tripathi, Ranjan & Pandeya, 2010).
McClelland (2003) defined …show more content…
Dunning, US Army in 2013 entitled THE ARMY’S CORE COMPETENCIES explicitly mentioned that without properly identifying its core competencies, the Army risks investment into the wrong capabilities which may lead to reduced effectiveness or increased inefficiency. In an organization where production and quality of work is central to attainment of its mandate, it is necessary that every personnel for that matter must exhibit utmost efficiency. Synonymous to this, is the slogan of former Chief of Staff, GENERAL ANGELO T REYES AFP that were posted in all military camps that says “only our best is good enough”. The scope and meaning of this slogan is for every personnel to excel in all their actions that would benefit the AFP organization as a whole. The study by Dunning (2013) thus highlights the need to strengthen the competencies of the dental technicians to ensure that the quality of work of the end-users of the equipment that these technicians are responsible for will not be negatively …show more content…
They maintained that people are described as competent because they are good at performing some act or function. By definition, “competencies” refers to people being competent in one or more areas; to have a competency in an area is to have adequate or sufficient skills in that area. Using this definition, it is confusing to talk about the competencies of superior performers. Personal competencies are, by definition, aspects of an individual (even though the definitions might have been obtained from studying jobs). Personal competencies imply a level of achievement or output. They are very different from job or role dimensions/competencies, which define a range of inputs and thus are appropriate for most selection and development efforts. This distinction is helpful to this present undertaking as both organizational and personal competencies will be targeted by both the assessment and end

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