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Culturally Sensitive Counselors Case Study

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Provide culturally-sensitive counselors. Black students can benefit from professional psychologists at the Gannett Health Services center that are sensitive to the needs of Black and other students of color on campus. It is important to have a professional who can relate to issues that are unique to this population. Culturally competent counselors and counselors of color can help to manage the stress of being a minority on campus. This recommendation will require assistance from the Office of Human Resources and the Office of Administration and Finance. Increase the number of tenured Black faculty. Students can benefit from an increase in the number of tenured Black faculty throughout the disciplines. In order to do so, it may be necessary to create a faculty mentoring program through the Office of Faculty Development and Diversity to provide support for Black faculty who need assistance in navigating the tenure track process. In disciplines where there are no or very few Black faculty, it may be necessary to create a more …show more content…
Everyone can benefit from cultural competency training, facilitated by trained professionals. Training can be provided to all current faculty, administrators and staff and supervised by the Office of Human Resources. These trainings can be incorporated into the orientation process for all new hires. All students can benefit from a mandatory course on cultural competency. This course can be made available during freshman year and facilitated by the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives (OADI) and the Center for Intercultural Dialogue. This course can benefit students in any major. True diversity goes beyond compositional diversity, there must be a change in the campus culture so that it is more inclusive. Faculty should be encouraged by their deans and supported by the executive administration to include more diverse reading materials in their curricula, regardless of subject

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