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Cultural Paper


Submitted By tc28386
Words 999
Pages 4

Cultural Paper

Asian American adolescents are a culture group, counselors seldom acknowledge in the counseling interventions. Asian Americans are faced with mental illness due to high academic achievement and refugee status. As counselors being culturally competence to Asian Americans can help assist them with their mental devlopement. They are a very distinct ethnic group that should be considered in the counseling profession. Asian Americans differ in methods and time of migration, language, social class, and religion.
Many Americans still believe that the United States is the melting pot for all cultures not showing concern for cultures such as Asian Americans, which may find it to be difficult when integrated with other cultures. Counselors must understand the pressure that is place upon cultures, such as the Asian Americans when forced to integrate to the dominant culture.
The United States is considered a free place for choosing the religion in which an individual wants to practice, but yet it seem rather biases against the Asian American populations. Counselors can help give back to Asian Americans what has been taken away from them for many years (religion). Due to counselors’ lack of knowledge and awareness of Asian American adolescents this culture is forced to integrate with the dominant culture, which may not be of their preference. The population of this group is growing in number in the United States and should be recognized as a separate ethnic group with many cultures, languages and religions. According to the study done (Dinh, Sarason, & Sarason, 2002) Asian immigrants are said to be the second largest incoming group in the United States and predicted to grow from 4% to 9 percent by the year of 2050.

Acculturation is one of the most respectful

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