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Curly Hair Research Paper

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Many women envy the girls with long curly hair. People become jealous that their straight hair cannot hold such elaborate shapes. Alas, having these curls does not come with a free pass to avoid bad hair days. If anything, girls with curly hair have more troubles. The humidity in the air leaves their hair in an unnatural messy state. Their dense layers and inability to brush out the curls without ruining them leaves them defenseless when it comes to tangles. Girls with curly hair must be mindful when brushing out the endless tangles from their hair. Lastly, the length of curly hair constantly gets in the way of life and only grows in size with the interference. While having long curly locks may seem like a blessing, the humidity, the tangles, …show more content…
Brushing these tangles takes extreme delicacy and time to carefully undo these knots without ripping all of the hair off of the scalp. Those who have curly hair cannot brush their hair daily. By brushing out the curls, we then face the same problem as humidity: it gets bigger. Almost any time someone touches the hair, it gets bigger. With those that wear their hair down, the hair naturally tangles. Although, since the thickness of the hair does not allow for daily brushing or washing, the knots get built up in the curls. When the woman washes her hair, she will spend a long time simply brushing out the complex tangles in her hair. The worse this issue becomes when the length of the hair keeps getting …show more content…
However, the longer the hair becomes, the more of a burden the hair turns out to be. Due to the thickness of the curls, the many layers get heavy. This makes tying the hair up in a ponytail, or bun extremely difficult, because the lasting weight results in an unfortunate headache. Furthermore, the long strands can get in the way. There is a reason science labs make girls tie their hair back and the reason is not to look good. Sleeping on the long curls can flatten the spirals and pull on the hair as the person rolls over, or shifts in bed. The curls get easily snagged on buttons, jewelry, bags, etc. After these snags, the curls get frizzier. Long hair combined with dense curls makes functioning

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