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Eb White Education Analysis

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There are many ways one can interpret a piece of writing. It is necessary to take into account the style, voice, persuasion techniques, and many other tactics used to fully understand what the author is trying to get across. Selzer and I both did a separate analysis of EB White's article "Education." Our analyses varied in our thoughts on White's writing style. Both analyses mentioned White's use of ethos, pathos, and logos, but Selzer structed his differently and also included some more subjects.
First of all, Selzer and my own analysis have contrasting ideas about EB White's writing style. I believe that White was writing more of a descriptive piece, trying to evenly describe both the country school and the public school. Selzer claims that …show more content…
I claimed that ethos was incorporated because he was very knowledgeable about the subject having gone through the education system himself and now having a son who's going through it. Also, I knew that he was a famous author which added some credibility to him. Selzer claimed that because White acted as though he wasn't favoring a side and was detached from the issue, ethos was being shown. We both mentioned how adding in a section at the beginning about the teacher being motherly and caring incorporated pathos. This imagery most likely appeals to the reader's emotions. Selzer also includes that there's a negative emotional appeal to the public school presented. This is true because the atmosphere is made out to be systematic and not as caring. Selzer and I agree that logos is used because evidence on how each of the schools are run is presented. White knows the basic procedures of both schools through his own son's …show more content…
My analysis focused mainly on ethos, logos, and pathos, whereas that was only one topic in Selzer's analysis. I found it important to center in on these in order to fully describe how White's writing was set up. Selzer also included with what techniques a person should be reading the piece, explained what made up an analysis, and talked about the different sentence structure and word choices. It seemed unnecessary to me to include information that wasn't solely about the article "Education." For example, how to read a piece of writing and what an analysis should consist of seemed to stray away from the topic of analyzing White's article. However, sentence structure and word choices were some topics that I could have included to make my analysis stronger. Looking into the mechanics of the author's writing is something I may consider for my next

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