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Custom Essay: Beowulf, The Geat Warrior

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Yucehan Kucukmotor Due: 11/14/2017
ENG2800 Term Paper, Beowulf, Topic II Prof. David Hohl

INTRODUCTION Throughout the first and the second part of the Beowulf, the Geat warrior is seen as a gracious, kind, and courageous man who also fulfills his social obligations and is well-respect by people. From his early years as a young valiant warrior to his later years as the king of the Geats, he never fails to fulfill his social obligations and reward his king and people with valuable gifts which plays an important role for social bounding. However, Beowulf do not die unchanged as a character. He starts off as a gallant warrior who seeks everlasting glory and worldwide recognition by defeating dreadful creatures, but eventually “winters

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