Free Essay

Customer Care Manager


Submitted By joyzhuo
Words 872
Pages 4
(标黄为如何选择Reason Code)

1. 关于配送范围?

2. 配送费用?

3. 如何支付?
通常情况下,您可选择在线付款,或者货到付款(在线付款支持VISA、万事达卡;货到付款支持银联、VISA、万事达、杉德卡及乐购IC卡)。无论选择哪一种付款方式,我们均会在您确认签收订单之后才收取应付货款。出于安全考虑,配送服务人员不能携带现金,因此,我们不接受现金支付,敬请谅解。乐购发的各种礼品卡都是IC 卡,支持货到付款。【选择订单支付方式及卡种问询】

4. 是否可以退货?
在您付款后,如果您需要退还商品,请联系客服中心4006 69 69 69确认退货事宜;我们建议您在收货时核对检查商品。【购物流程问询】

5. 如何获取购物发票?
6. 万一我订单上的商品缺货了怎么办?(库存及商品信息问询)
询问顾客的订单号和价格差异商品,查看OMS 和网页上的价格和售卖状况
您所说的xx 商品有/暂时没有在网站上出售(如果有:请您在搜索栏中输入您想购买的商品名称后进行查看或购买;如果没有:可能需要您直接去门店购买该商品,非常抱歉)。【库存及商品信息问询】
12. 如果订单中商品缺货你们怎么通知我?(只是咨询未生成订单)
请问您在哪一个页面出现注册困难(具体了解问题后);请问您使用的是什么浏览器?询问IE 浏览器并在CRM 里做记录,并留下顾客手机号码(根据客户回答做应对,建议顾客安装火狐浏览器优先选择,其次是IE7/IE8/IE9/IE10)。【选择技术问题】

20. 如果参照订单发现送来的商品不齐全,该怎么办?
您如果发现这种情况可以直接联系客服中心4006 69 69 69-1-2,客服人员了解的具体情况后会为您进行后续的跟进。【遗漏配送商品】
21. 如果我对商品的质量不满意,该怎么办?(只是咨询未生成订单)


乐购充值卡和礼品卡都是乐购IC卡,可以在货到付款的方式下对网购订单进行支付。乐购IC 卡有含磁条或者芯片两种,都支持货到付款的方式下对网购订单进行支付。【订单支付方式及卡种问询】
24. 可以开增值税发票吗?
25.各位晚班的同事,在给网店经理发送有效订单和地址汉化的邮件时, 请留意一下订单,看是否有如下的情况,如果有,请一并告知网店经理。

* 同一顾客多个订单 * 同一地址多个订单(不同姓名) * 是否在同一顾客同一地址中使用同一优惠券 * 顾客地址不在配送范围 * 其他未见过的觉得需要反馈的特殊情况

* 如果还未下订单:跟顾客确认(商品,数量,最晚配送日期,配送地址是否在配送范围)等信息,与网店经理核实操作性,抄送Penny,然后再回复顾客 * 如果已下订单,且超过5张,委婉的询问顾客用途,并建议顾客如果下次再有类似的订单,可以提前致电客服中心,我们会备好货再配送,可以更好的为顾客完成订单配送。
29.对于 reason code 中的WRONG NUMBER 和门店相关一般问询在此统一说法:
Wrong number: 非门店解决问题,非会员卡问题,非订单相关问题。
门店相关一般问询: 门店相关的一切资讯。
30. 敬请关注乐购(e乐购)官网,微博,微信,获取更多的促销或其它信息。
31. 候线时间不要超过25秒,如果查找时间过长,可以先拉回来,告知顾客“很抱歉,我们还需要一点时间查询,请您稍等”

32 与2重复
34. 关于取消订单产生的部分退款和全部退款的解释:


感谢顾客对e乐购的关注和支持, 告知目前的促销活动,建议多多关注e乐购官网和微信以便获取更多的优惠信息。 (市场促销)
* 请先通知顾客要更改支付方式为货到付款,如顾客不能同意货到付款,订单将不能配送 * 请各位在OMS系统中更改支付方式为货到付款,具体操作步骤,请再次参考附件PPT. (预授权失败)
* 浦东新区,青桐路,中芯花园 Simic Garden * 399广兰路/丹桂路, 小区名字是 “城市经典高迪”~ Gaudi classic * 龙东大道1号, 小区名字是“汤臣高尔夫园区C1 栋701室” Tomson Golf Villa, 从(花木/罗山路西门)
门店取消订单:门店由于无效订单、测试订单或者缺货、恶意订单等等提出需要取消订单的都在门店订单取消下面。 (门店取消订单)

顾客:顾客来电阐述没有享受会员价。客服:好的,了解。想请问您是否绑定了有效的会员卡并且在会员价的有效期内购买的呢?顾客:是的。(如未绑定会员卡或不在有效期,如实告知顾客)客服:好的,是这样的,您现在看到的价格只是一个指导价,会员价的商品会在配送当天以会员价结算的。请您不要担心。顾客:了解 |
41.如果顾客来电询问无法选择地区或具体的路,如果无法判断是否在配送范围,按以下来询问: * 告知顾客我们的配送范围:上海内环,长宁区和徐汇区外环以内,以及闵行区的部分地区。 * 询问顾客是否在我们说的范围呢 * 如果顾客自己也不清楚,请顾客提供路名,我们帮其查询
42.如果有顾客来电询问我们的一些促销活动,如“满218减50”。那么其中“满218”是指满指导价还是配送当天的价格呢?(电子优惠使用问询) * 告知顾客我们都是按照配送当天的实际订单配送价格为准的,所以“满218”是指配送当天实际付款金额要满“218”,如果有替代品或缺货除外。 * 如果顾客购买的是会员价的商品,确认信中的总指导价超过218,即使在配送当天以会员价结算而不足218,仍然可以享受优惠。(请删除这段,因为这于上面一条不一致。实际上是给顾客享受优惠券,但是我们面对顾客的问询时,保持一致的口径---优惠券满减的金额必须按照实际配送价格是否达到要求才能参与满减活动)
43. 电子优惠券无法使用?
个别优惠券有数量的限制,如果顾客反映自己在使用中,明明是在有效期内,但是无法使用,建议坐席让顾客提供电子优惠券代码,我们帮其查询,如果确实是已经达到了优惠券数量上限,告知顾客,“非常抱歉,由于我们的优惠券发放也是有数量限制的,目前已经有**位顾客使用过了,所以您无法使用,建议您关注e乐购官网和微信,获取更多的优惠信息。”----请删除这段,因为这种情况没有发生过,仅供客服知悉 (电子优惠券问题)
1) 顾客在网上不知道如何使用,才导致下单时未成功使用(查看OMS,可以知道顾客是否使用成功),请辅导顾客如何使用 2) 顾客在使用时,网上提示该账号已经使用过该优惠券了、或者过期了、或者金额不足满减条件 3) OMS 付款信息里有优惠券使用记录,但是订单主页优惠券处显示为0元(2月5日后不会再出现)

45.乐购公司抬头: 特易购乐购(中国)投资有限公司。
46. 晚班汉化地址和发送有效订单时,to给Michael,Amy, 和。附上每个订单的截图。
项目 | 是否可以修改 | 添加或者删除商品 | YES | 添加电子优惠券 | YES | 修改支付方式 | NO | 修改配送时段 | NO | 修改配送地址 | NO | 删除电子优惠券 | NO | 添加或者删除备注 | NO | 修改手机号码 | NO | 修改会员卡号 | NO |

48. 滥用优惠券的顾客有如下一些: * 西康路989弄5号1403室 * 中兴路1452号 * 逸仙路458弄6号楼2605室 * 逸仙路158号宝隆一方大厦508室 * 董家渡路 小石桥弄13号 * 黄家路 13号,靠近董家渡路

49.配送晚到的订单,在CRM中详细记录(配送车辆,CDA联系方式,配送时段)。 为什么有这条?
50. CDA手持终端刷卡机可接受以下五种外币卡:
Visa, Master, American Express (美国运通卡), JCB(日财卡/吉士美卡), Diners Club (大来卡)。

52.使用PCS 系统快速查找替代品 :


53. 如果门店要求取消多个订单,请在CRM中记录一个订单号,然后再NOTE 中详细记录所有的要取消的订单号以及原因。

54.在电子优惠券问题上,乐购在系统中做了个设置,当指导价*80% 满足优惠券使用条件时,才可以使用,举个例子:如果顾客使用满288-50优惠券,顾客的指导价正好290,看似满足优惠券使用条件,实际上,系统里是不允许使用的,因为指导价290*80%=232,不满足满288的条件,如果遇到顾客因为这样的情况不能使用电子优惠券的,请不要告知顾客我们有80%的设置,直接告知顾客“非常抱歉给您带来不便,我们稍后核实好了再给您回复好吗?”,电话结束后,再把情况告知Penny等待一个答复即可。---在2月5日以后不会再出现这样的情况,并且客服对80%的理解有误,具体:顾客在网上下单时使用满288-50 优惠券,当指导价满足288时,顾客在下单时网上应用优惠券成功,但是在配送日,因为各种原因,实际订单金额没有达到(或者低于)288*80%=230.4元,收银系统不让该订单使用该优惠券,所以当顾客订单金额在200元时,当天的收银小票是没有使用优惠券的。(电子优惠券问题)

55.e乐购新功能“我的购物单” 。

56.目前我们遇到很多的价格投诉都是针对促销价的,那么如果顾客发现自己是会员价的商品却没有按照会员价结算,怎么解释呢? * 如果是刚下单,还未配送的订单,反馈没有按会员价来,告知“您现在看到的是指导价,如果您绑定了有效的会员卡卡号,且在配送当天还是在会员价的有效期内,那么最终结算时按照会员价来结算的”。(会员卡咨询) * 如果顾客正在签收或者已经签收,告知“请您查看您的收货单或收银小票,在单据下方会有显示会员或者促销节省信息,请您核对该商品是否按照会员价结算了”;如果顾客告知未按会员价结算,“可能是配送日期超过会员价促销期所造成的。我们会帮你核实后再回复您。同时也请您下单时关注商品的促销期限” * 如有顾客价格投诉,请根据OMS 了解顾客的最初信息(跟称重、脱销、替代有关导致总金额有差异的,请客服同事跟顾客解释---称重差异太大反馈网店解决;总金额差异太大,顾客不希望接受替代品,可以办理退货); 其它商品变价相关的,请发邮件给Michael、Penny、Lipei 并告知顾客我们将在1到2个工作日内回复您(节假日期间不做价格投诉处理,等正常工作日统一核实后回复顾客)。 *

57. 涉及到货到付款方式退款,只需要把退款的邮件(该邮件内容包括顾客的卡号,退款金额等信息)发给Michael 和Penny即可。

58.乐购的IC 卡是全国通用的,有效期一般是3年;均可以在网上购物使用;关于IC 卡剩余有效期和卡内余额,可以去门店问询。


60.顾客询问乐购购物卡/储值卡/礼品卡/消费卡(称呼可能不同)能否网购? 答:您所持有的乐购购物卡/储值卡/礼品卡/消费卡(无需再询问顾客卡上面图案信息)是可以在网上购物时选择货到付款时刷卡的。由于目前的配送范围是在***,请问您是否在范围内呢?顾客如果不在,建议预注册,并告知持有的卡需要到门店购物使用。

答: 非常抱歉给您带来不便,我们会尽快核实在1-2个工作日给您回复,再次为给您带来的不便表示抱歉。
英文版本:We are very sorry for what happened. We will check and reply you with an answer within 1 to 2 working days.


63. 英文中数据保护怎么说呢?
答:To complete the data protection procedure, would you please let me know your name and delivery address ?



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Customer Care

...Customer care 1. Is the customer care important for the center? And was it benefit for business, staff and customer? Yes, it is extremely important for the center. Customer care is regarded as a series of activities to meet or exceed the expectation of customers which will improve the customer satisfaction and service quality to make the customer like coming again. Additionally to build the customer loyalty that will cut the cost of attracting new clients and make more profits for business. Certainly it also enhances the company competitiveness and increase the efficiency of working process. Then when the company obtains more business as well as profits, the commission of staff must be raised which will make the employees happy, meanwhile they will offer higher quality service for customers to make them more satisfy. All of which will build a positive circulation among the business, staffs and customers. Therefore the importance of customer care expressed anywhere in the firm. 2. There exist different types of customers, how to satisfied the varied clients? To begin with, there are two types of customers which involved internal customer and external customer. Then the main distinguish between them should be weather it is directly connected to the firm. If it is not directly connected to the company, these parts of customer belong to the external customer such as visitors and bus-tourism for this center. Contrarily they pertain to the internal customers for example all of the...

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Communication Assignment

...NHS Public Limited Company The NHS is an organisation which operates in the Private Sector, and is owned by the government. The NHS is one of the world’s largest publicly funded health care providers. The NHS stands for the National Health Service which provides healthcare for all UK citizens based on their needs rather than their ability to pay for it. It is funded by taxes. As the NHS is funded by taxes and the government, if a hospital were to overspend, it would not close. Instead, funding would be cut back for a suitable period of time. The NHS provide many different services for all UK citizens, such as emergency and urgent care, general practitioners (GP’s) or dental services. Urgent and emergency care * Call NHS 111 if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. * Call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life at risk. * Visit A&E in a genuine life-threatening emergency. Pharmacy services * Pharmacists play a key role in providing quality healthcare. They are experts in medicines and will use their clinic expertise together with their practical knowledge to ensure the safe supply and use of medicines by the public. * A pharmacist has to be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and have worked for at least a year under the supervision of an experienced and qualified pharmacist, either in a hospital or community pharmacy such as a supermarket. * 20% of pharmacists...

Words: 5358 - Pages: 22

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Decision Making Strategy

...and major role for a manager. There is a continue flow of information and process run through and achieve the right Decision. Here I am going to mention and analysis of the two decisions that my manager has taken. How the decision will help her and meet the organisational benefits. Also I would like to demonstrate how all the learning process of decision making will reflect my own work and practice as a assistant manager. 2.1 Overview of Organisation My company name is Housing & Care 21, established in 1964. It’s the UK’s largest non-profit care provider and a national leader in providing innovative, affordable housing for older people. Also it works closely with local communities to develop new services that meet the needs of older people and neighbourhoods. It has over 28,000 customers and delivers more than 80,000 hours of home care by 6500 members of staff. It has turnover £200m and chairs the national Housing and care Dementia research Consortium. It acquired Claimer Care Group Plc. in 2009.The company invests in A* rated vocational qualifications centre so our staff can fulfil their potential and giving them the skills to provide the best possible services to the residents and service users. Housing & Care 21 promotes choice and independent for older people through a range of care, health and housing services and accommodation. Its expertise includes retirement housing, care and support services, dementia services and partnerships with customers, commissioners also...

Words: 2355 - Pages: 10

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Employee Survey

...Introduction The department I chose to study is the customer care department of a wireless carrier located in Michigan. This is a call center environment and the company employs 250+ representatives at this particular location. In the customer care department there are representatives, supervisors, four associate directors and one head director of the overall department. Each supervisor has 12-15 representatives that they must oversee. The duties of each representative consist of retaining customer business by renewing contracts, present data solutions, offer accessories, demonstrate equipment functions and network capability and answer customer billing questions. The supervisors’ job is to monitor daily team results to ensure performance, retention and objective compliance, complete monthly reporting, provide effective feedback, supervise, educate and motivate their team to exceed all performance measures. I have worked for this same wireless carrier for 4 years and I currently work in their financial service department but I have a few close friends who work in the customer care department who don’t be satisfied with their jobs. I found this quite interesting because we all worked for the same company but there seemed to be a huge difference in job satisfaction from department to department. In order to find out what this difference is from our department to theirs I did an hour of side by sides with some of the customer care representatives and gave my friends from the department...

Words: 3445 - Pages: 14

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Day Care Project Plan

...Prepared By: ?????? Date: April 21, 2013 Authorized by: ?????? Project Description: A day care center that will provide day care services for a maximum of 100 children from the age of three months to six years old. |Stakeholder Name/Title |Project Role | |Mr. & Mrs. Webster – Owners |The customers who will open and operate the day care center and who will also do the final walk-thru | | |and sign off of the project. | |Project Manager |The project manager is responsible for planning, execution and the completing the project. | |Construction Manager |The construction manager is responsible for the planning, coordination, budgeting and supervision of | | |the construction site from early development to completion. ...

Words: 343 - Pages: 2

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Essay on Security

...Introduction This report evaluates various aspects of customer care that the supermarket ASDA employs. I have chosen to base this report on ASDA as I have worked there for three years and have had plentiful experience is differing roles within the business. ASDA is Britain’s second largest supermarket by market share at 17.2% [1].behind Tesco, whom rests at 28.7%. Although ASDA is behind Tesco in terms of market share, it performs better in the Customer Satisfaction aspect. In 2013, ASDA had a customer satisfaction percentile of 53% whereas Tesco had a percentile of 45%. [2] ASDA employs roughly 165,000 employees throughout Britain and Ireland and serves over 18 million customers per week [3] As a result, customer care is a key-stone in ASDA’s core values, as its position as one of the market leaders in the retailing industry increases pressure to maintain that position. This report will be compromised of a detailed examination of the different aspects of customer care such as; their mission statement, their standards in care, role of feedback and any methods of improving care. outlines this in more detail. Mission Statement A mission statement is a presentation of a company’s goals and values. Like any other business, ASDA needs a mission statement to show staff and customers what ASDA strives for, an objective to help to achieve. ASDA’s mission statement is; ‘To be Britain's best-value retailer exceeding customer needs always’ ASDA Employee Handbook (Page 8) ...

Words: 1039 - Pages: 5

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Business Plan

...Lawn Care Services Business Plan 10TH - June - 2015 Muhammad Nouman Javaid BBA Group “E” Batch 2014-2018 Condition: This business plan will not be copied, printed, faxed or implemented without the permission. It is issued with the purpose to attract investors. If not accepted should be returned on the above address. Phase 3 chowk,Near Marco polo wedding hall Peshawar, Pakistan. Contact: 03139002035 Table Of Contents 1. Vision statement ………………………………………………………......... 03 2. Mission Statement …………………………………………………………..... 03 3. Our Belief ………………………………………………………........ 03 4. Executive summary …………………………………………………………... 04 5. Introduction to venture……………………………………………………….. 05 a. Introduction to industry .……………………………… 05 b. Services We Offered ………………………………. 05 c. Introduction to the Concept of our business........................... 05 d. Growth and entry strategy ………………………………. 05 e. Our Need in Market ………………………………. 06 f. Objectives ………………………………. 06 g. Keys to Success ………………………………. 06 6. Marketing Plan ………………………………………………………….... 07 h. Promotion ………………………………. 07 i. Sales Strategy ................................................ 07 j. Pricing ………………………………. 07 7. Operational...

Words: 2615 - Pages: 11

Premium Essay

Mqcs - Victoria Secret

...Employees 6 Ownership Structure 6 Product and Services 8 Levels of Customer Service 11 Customer Profile 12 External customers of Victoria’s Secret 13 Internal Customers 15 Satisfaction of Customers Five Needs 20 Appropriate Market Research 21 Best seller product 21 Product range information 22 Product information and specifications 23 Delivery, warranty and return or cancelation policy 24 Sample promotional materials 24 Management and Leadership qualities 26 Leadership qualities 26 Management skills 27 Position description of CS manager: 31 Types of customer service training 35 Schedule for training 37 Example of customer service training policies 38 Feedback from customers 42 Survey 43 Managing customer service reports 46 Conclusion 47 Referencing 48 Business profile and interview Interview With alshaya CS Officer 1. What is great customer service in your understanding? You should always smile and greet the customer with good morning sir / mam or which part of the day it is. After that the query should enter the system for any follow up or feedback. Always make sure the customer ends the call as satisfied as possible. 2. How would you handle an awfully irritated customer? I understand it’s hard to satisfy all customers but it depends on the customer if he/she is reasonable then I’m sure he/she will end the call satisfied, but If the customer escalates we would send it to the operation team then they will tell us...

Words: 8453 - Pages: 34