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Cyber Attack Prevention


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Cyber-Attack Prevention As cyber-criminals become cleverer with the cybercrimes, more and more individuals are in danger of a cyber-attack. The threats become more intense and damaging as technology grows. Often times, home users think computing and surfing the Internet is safe when at home. It is a necessity to be aware of the prevention methods whether at home or at work. To further the comprehension of cyber-attack prevention, an article is chosen and an evaluation is the article. The evaluation of an article will include a stance on the quality of the material, selections of various aspects, descriptions of each aspect, reasons for an individual viewpoint, and an example.
Article Summary Home users need to practice prevention methods when using the Internet at home. Cyber-criminals’ methods and targets have evolved (Damico, 2009). Several home users may not be aware that any connection to a network is networked activity and requires some measure of protection. According to the Damico (2009) article, a prevention system must identify and stop malicious attacks before they do damage and have a chance to infect a system. It is not only imperative to use prevention methods, but also it is imperative to understand prevention methods. Technology prevention methods will no longer be adequate to protect against the modern cyber-criminals of today.
Material Quality The quality of the material is credible. The article is valid. The author uses more than one in-text citation, and provides references following the article. The material within the article is information and is appropriate to subjects that are the topic of discussion in current information systems security courses.
Aspects of the Article The article focuses on informing individuals about cyber-activity, and the evolution of cyber-activity. Cyber activity is not only damaging for major corporations, but also for home users as well. The home user needs to understand the importance of cyber-attack prevention and the few simple steps that can occur to help prevent cyber-criminals from accomplishing cyber activities. By simple understanding terms, such as network intrusion prevention and network detection systems, the home user is one step closer to cyber-attack prevention. The prevention system has several functions. The functions include blocking malicious code, not blocking legitimate traffic while blocking malicious code, and remain scalable (Damico, 2009). In addition to intrusion prevention, home users should familiarize the techniques and tricks that hackers’ use (Damico, 2009). A couple of the tricks and techniques are as follows: o Scanning systems seeking the vulnerabilities to gain access. o Searching for operating vulnerabilities. The article emphasizes the need for home users to keep software up-to-date and to install a firewall. By keeping software up-to-date, the user can keep his or her system in lieu of the new patches. The cyber-attack prevention of updating is simple. If the user does not keep the software up-to-date, a new patch could be created for the software that helps to protect against a current virus, but the software is outdated and the recent virus attacks. The user is susceptible to viruses or malicious code (Damico, 2009). The firewall serves the purpose of preventing unauthorized connection or access to the system. Firewall is not 100% full proof; therefore, the anti-virus is necessary. The anti-virus can take care of the malicious code that may bypass the firewall unnoticed.

Viewpoint Reasons/Example From a personal viewpoint, the preventative measures often ignored are vital and more significant than a home user may think. The primary lesson from the article is to ensure attack prevention methods are used when computing at home.
In closing, the comprehension of the article is to inform home users of the methods to prevent cyber-attacks. The primary focus of the article is to inform of cyber-attack prevention methods. Various methods can be useful to help prevent cyber-attacks. The home users need to use firewalls, keep software up-to-date, comprehend technical terms, and know the tricks and techniques of cyber-criminals to help with preventing attacks.


Damico, T., M. (2009). Cyber Attack Prevention for the Home User: How to Prevent a Cyber Attack. Retrieved July 2, 2012 from

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