...Cyberterrorism is the act of Internet terrorism in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses. In short, cyber terrorism is a new language of war. What makes cyber terrorism so appealing for criminals? * Remote attacks - One of the primary advantages for terrorists is their ability to launch an attack on a designated area from anywhere in the world. A terrorist on the other side of the world sitting in front of a computer can launch an attack, route it through 50 different countries, cover his tracks so that it is nearly untraceable, and cause billions of dollars in damages and even fatalities. * Damage scope - Another attractive feature is scope of damage that can result. * Using cyberspace a terrorist can take control of traffic lights in a certain area and could take more lives in hundreds of deadly car accidents. * Electric Power System- The electrical power grid is a probable target for cyber terrorists.If the computer systems controlling these systems could be disrupted or shut down it could knock out power for many. This could lead to potential deaths if the system isn’t recovered in a timely manner. Examples of cyber terrorism * In 1998, ethnic Tamil guerrillas attempted to disrupt Sri Lankan embassies by sending large volumes of e-mail. The embassies received 800 e-mails a day over...
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...Introduction Cyber security refers to the practices and processes that are used in technologies such as networks, computers, information and programs from damages by unwarranted entities (Ahmad, Yunos & Sahib, 2012). There are different attacks towards technology which may distort information or be used to create tension in an organization. Information stored in computers has some level of privacy and this depends on the level of sensitivity that such information may have towards that organization. Business strategies, political discussions and government documents are some of the documents that require a higher degree of privacy. However, there are individuals who cause deliberate attacks on the information systems of organizations and governments in order to unlawfully access information or distort the meaning of such data. The intention of cyber attacks has led to the classification of these attacks into particular classes. For example, we have cyber bullying and cyber terrorism. Under cyber bullying, the attackers use technology to abuse and intimidate their targets. Cyber bullying has been common through the presence of the social media where an individual will use pseudo-accounts to publish half truths about others with a bid to embarrass them. On the other hand, cyber terrorism involves the use of technology to access vital government sites in order to cause harm and fear in the society through terrorism activities. Brunst (2010) indicates that cyber terrorist activities...
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...Terrorist groups are increasingly using new information technology and the Internet to formulate plans, raise funds, spread propaganda, and engage in secure communications. Cyberterrorist- meaning the use of cyber tools to shut down critical national infrastructures(such as energy, transportation, or government operations) for the purpose of coercing or Intimidating a government or civilian population is clearly an emerging threat. (Dale Watson 2-6-2002) Cyberterrorism or digital terrorism cannot be concretely defined and has spurred significant debate over exactly what is means. Todays' battlefields have no national borders. Quickly describing terrorism is not easy work. However, cyber terrorism is specifically a premeditated publically or ideologically motivated attack or threat of attack against information, computer systems, programs, and data that can result in violence against civilian targets. Attacks are fast, easy and relatively inexpensive. The attack is a commission of a crime with the use of a computer and a network. Growth in the use of computers has caused computers to be a large part of illegal activities. The categories that we fall as a victim are Crimes committed using a computer as a target, as a tool, as incidental to computer use, or associated with the prevalence of computers. In most cases, caught cyber criminals have usually committed several types of crimes. The tools used required no extra training or financial aid. Many businesses that connect...
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...Name: Institution: Course: Date: Cyber Terrorism Cyber terrorism vs. Physical terrorism In cases where there are the occurrences of both physical terrorism and cyber terrorism, the people behind it carry out their attacks outside the bounds of conventional warfare. In other words, the terrorists carry out attacks in areas that are not ordinarily considered as battlefields as well as on people not normally considered as military personnel. For example, the attacks may entail an individual dressed as a civilian blowing himself up in a packed place or people dressed like civilians hijacking commercial airplanes and flying them to civilian targets like the World Trade Centre. Physical terrorism differs from cyber terrorism in the sense that the later primarily entails carrying out attacks against information found in computers while the former involves an attack against civilians. Those individuals, who dress up as civilians and blow up themselves in a crowded area like a bus constitutes physical terrorism since the attacks aims at destroying human life. Most likely, cyber terrorists use computers or other similar devices to carry out attacks on information found on computers. Cyber terrorism will have more impact than physical terrorism. The main aim of physical terrorism is to cause loss of life whereas cyber terrorism may entail hacking into a country’s critical infrastructure with the sole purpose of causing great harm such as significant damage on the economy or loss...
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...interpersonal communication locales like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter can be criminal acts. In a few expresses, these activities are considered infringement of protection or fall under the domain of hostile to stalking laws. These demonstrations are viewed as PC misrepresentation, PC and data robbery or digital terrorism, infringement of which can even result in lawful offense allegations. Cyberterrorism Cyberterrorism exists when PC assault result in impacts that is problematic to create dread identical to a customary demonstration of terrorism, regardless of the fact that done by culprits....
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...The cyberterrorism forensic model should cover all vital aspect such as technology, international jurisdiction and economy model. The technology aspect of the model should cover monitoring tools, access control, enhanced system for both hardware and software, live monitoring, develop technology and constant monitoring to keep track tools that are available online. Technology aspect will focus on the technical aspect regarding cyberterrorism techniques and tools that involve in cyberterrorism activities. The second scope of the model involves international jurisdiction. International jurisdiction will cover all law aspects such and international relations such as cooperation between countries, international policy in combating cyber terrorism activities, cooperation between internet service providers across the countries and creation of standard operating procedures and best practices regarding to cyberterrorist attacks. The last aspect of the cyberterrorism model would cover the economic aspect in order to support the funding on internet security and research to minimize and deter against cyberterrorism. Hence based on this three aspect, implementation of technology aspect in cyberterrorism forensic lab would help in forensic and security features regarding cyberterrorism activities such as constant live monitor, secure...
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...Kosovo 1999: The First Cyberwar Kosovo 1999: The First Cyberwar Up until now, wars and conflicts have been fought on domestic and foreign battlefields. As computers become more essential to our daily lives, they also become the new battlegrounds of a new type of war-“cyberwar”. With the rapid progression of technology, wars are no longer only fought with rifles and bombs but with scripts and codes. Although the definition and guidelines of cyberwarfare are still relatively unclear, the 1999 Kosovo conflict introduced this new concept. The 1999 Kosovo conflict was a war between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FR of Yugoslavia) and Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA was formed to fight the oppression caused by the Serbians. Their tactics and methods increasingly became more brutal when they began killing Serbian police officers throughout the country (Haney, 1999). This ignited outrage and retaliation from the FR of Yugoslavia. FR of Yugoslavia began to send troops to retake KLA controlled areas. Civilian casualties caused by Serbian troops have been estimated to be roughly around 10,000. NATO then entered the conflict on humanitarian grounds. As NATO began their aerial bombing campaign, hackers, or people who illegally access a computer system (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hacker) disabled and took control of the international web servers. Serbian hackers attacked NATO and US government websites using the denial of service, where computer resources...
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...An attack against a computer system or network is how PC Magazine defines a cyber-attack. A Cyber-attack can take many forms, for many reasons and can be executed on a small or large scale. Most cyber-attacks are criminal in nature. These cybercrimes are usually motivated by profit. Recent examples include the cyber-attacks on Visa/MasterCard and attacks on Google’s network by China. The cyber-attacks on Visa and MasterCard were part of “operation payback”, and were carried out by various loose nit groups that organized using social networking sites. “Operation payback” was retaliation against Visa and MasterCard for refusing to continue to do business with the website WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks posted leaked classified U.S. diplomatic communications on their website for the world to see. The United States felt this was a criminal act and pressured Visa and MasterCard to stop processing transactions for WikiLeaks. In response hackers launch “operation payback” which used distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to crash Visa and MasterCard Servers. Google recently exited the Chinese market. According to the New York Times, “Google linked its decision to sophisticated cyber-attacks on its computer systems that it suspected originated in China and that were aimed, at least in part, at the Gmail user accounts of Chinese human rights activists. The attacks were directed at some 34 companies or entities, most of them in Silicon Valley, California, according to people with knowledge of...
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...companies’ secured network. Hackers go through tremendous amounts of time in order to get to a secured network in order to get the information they are seeking or just to go through private information for their own personal gain. Secured networks are set up throughout organizations to minimize the possibility of a cyber attack from occurring along with other security measures to protect the private information that is being held on those secured networks. Most of the attacks that occur are mainly from people that are disgruntle towards certain companies for their type of work or actions that they have done but others take advantage and commit crimes that affect others. Mark Pollitt, special agent for the FBI, offers a working definition: “Cyberterrorism is the premeditated, politically motivated attacks against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.”(Denning, Dorothy E.) Other cyber attacks are meant to steal valuable information from high-end organizations in order to jeopardize future projects as well as past projects that some how have affected others. No matter how good and secured a network is there always a chance that it can get hacked by experienced hackers and that’s what IT security should always keep up with technology along with the...
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...Computers have modernized terrorism in the same way cyber terrorism revolutionized information warfare. There is no distinct definition of Cyber terrorism; however, its threat is as real as waging war but with weapons of automation. Terrorists have begun to exploit the availability of information with the malicious intent to sabotage; conversely, there are those who are not quite sure if information warfare - cyber terrorism is an actual threat. This research paper will briefly explore the history of cyber terrorism, the friend the internet has been to terrorist and how we can make the internet safer through vigilant tactics of prevention and deterrence. It will also expose the truth about cyber terrorism for the skeptic, reasons not to discount the threat, and why it is paramount their mind is changed. Information Warfare-Cyber Terrorism Did you know there were 18 cybercrime victims every second, 1058 every minute, approximately 64,000 per hour, and 1.5 million per day, that affected over 556 million people within the last year (Norton , 2012)? The internet has made it possible for terrorists to gather our public information and use it against us. As the internet matures so does the terrorist, finding ways to cripple and intimidate. The internet and terrorists have become a real hazard to the health of the cyber world. The government has implemented several organizations to help combat cyber terrorism but have not given it a clear concise definition. Skeptics...
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...population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The United States has had many attacks and attempted attacks against the government and citizens. The main goal of terrorism is to communicate a political message to the world, not necessarily to defeat the enemy. Researchers have found that the reason there main goal is politics wise is because they feel foreign governments won’t listen to their mission, goals, etc. As a result they intimidate those governments by violent acts. There are many different types of terrorist acts that can take place. The acts consist of bombing, kidnapping or hostage taking, arson/firing bombing, hijacking or skyjacking, bioterrorism, nuclear terrorism and cyberterrorism. Bombing terrorist attacks usually happened in crowded public places like train stations, government building, or city wide events. They use devices that are cheaper, small, and harder to detect but understand they can still do major damage. Kidnapping and hostage-taking are for them to bargain with their real target. This can gain them leverage to money, release imprisoned associates, and gain media coverage to gain an audience. Terrorist tend to choose hostage-taking more over kidnapping. Arson bombing normally takes place in office buildings or government to show...
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...Describe the Adversary Model of cybercrime The Adversary Model of cybercrime involves resources, capabilities, intent, motivation, risk aversion, and access. The model was developed by security experts working on U.S. government defense initiatives to characterize the behavior of cybercriminals, in an effort to strengthen security controls. Adversary Models in network security are intended to keep out any attempts of discovering secret data, the corruption of your data, spoofing the identity of message senders or receivers, and/or forcing system downtime. They are meant to keep an adversary from obtaining access into a network. Security is a three-step process, starting with threat prevention, then on to detection, and ending in a response. This is based upon user account access, how limited the access, and how secure it is. First and foremost we have to make sure that we are protecting our information with proper physical security. Meaning all of the paper documents should be kept in safe location or locked in a safe. Incident identification is also very important. Discovering the threat in a timely matter and preventing it from spreading as well as reduce the damage made can be crucial. Then, we move onto the Firewall, which is used to shield access to internal network services to block an attack through pocket filtering. There are multiple security tools that can help us protect from our adversary. Personally I like Snort, Wireshark as well as Nmap. Wireshark to analyze...
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...My Name Teacher's Name English IV 5 February 2013 Cyberterrorism: Digital Warfare According to a study by Maya Shwayder, a journalist for the International Business Times, in 2006, more than ten years after its introduction to the public, the World Wide Web was being used by 18% of the Earth’s population. Today, that number has risen to 35%, almost twice what it was seven years ago (Shwayder, par. 1). This number continues to rise as developing country’s begin to provide Internet access to more and more people. For the United States, the United Kingdom, and other highly-developed countries, the Internet is an extremely important part of everyday life. It is used for entertainment, communication, even commerce. Unfortunately , the Internet is a two-edged sword and also can be used to cause great despair and destruction, such as when it is used to steal personal information. There are people who seek to use the Internet in this way. These people have been termed “cyberterrorists,” who commit acts of “cyberterrorism,” which involves attacking and/or stealing from information systems. Today, these attacks are commonly aimed at smaller Web sites or sites that are based in foreign countries. However, attacks are becoming more frequent and are targeting larger Web sites. As stated by Kenneth Himma, an Internet Security specialist, “popular sites [such as Facebook and Google] likely will be victims of these terrorists, unless something is done to combat the issue (Himma...
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...PKC D) SIS Question 7 2 / 2 points Acts of ____ can lead to unauthorized real or virtual actions that enable information gatherers to enter premises or systems they have not been authorized to enter. A) bypass B) nature C) trespass D) security Question 8 2 / 2 points There are generally two skill levels among hackers: expert and ____. A) novice B) journeyman C) packet monkey D) professional Question 9 2 / 2 points ____ is the premeditated, politically motivated attacks against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents." A) Infoterrorism B) Cyberterrorism C) Hacking D) Cracking...
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...Various computer crimes – week 2 The rapid growth computer technology and internet in 20th century has increased our dependence on computers and networks, which also led to the growth in new form of crime –“cyber crime” throughout the world. In the first chapter of Principle of Cybercrime, Clough describers the various definitions of cybercrime. It can be defined as crime that committed through internet on a computer. It uses computer as a tool to commit the crime like child pornography, fraud, copyright, piracy and etc. However, computer can also be a targeted victim. There are various types of cyber crime such as hacking, spamming, malware, and etc. More serious, cybercrime can move on to cyberterrorism which the attack on a computer is political, national security, or religious based. In the cyberspace, I believe that cybercrime is same as traditional crime that has three major categories, which are crime against person, crime again poverty, and crime against government. First, cyber crime against person is included cyber-stalking, threat, harassment or even violence/murder in a cyberspace. However, how did law perceive these problems? The law has suggested physical ground. In the case of violence and murder in a gameworld is hard to justify if it can consider as offences since no one is physical injured. Second, cyber crime against poverty includes hacking, fraud, spamming, and spreading virus. Cyber criminals can transform harmful programmers to other computer through...
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