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Cystic Fibrosis: Life Threatening Disease

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Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary non communicable life threatening disease. I have chosen this disease because I know a few people with this disease, one of them being my best friend’s boyfriend. Annually, she and I participate in a walk to help raise money to find a cure for this disease. It is a disease that can be difficult to cope with for all of those diagnosed with the disease along with all of those closely related to them. Cystic fibrosis is a diseases passed down through genes. It is a buildup of excess mucus along the lungs and other important organs. This sludge-like mucus can clog airways and lead to infection. The harsh conditions that one with the disease’s lungs can form a scar tissue. Often people with cystic fibrosis can …show more content…
One pretty effective thing one with cystic fibrosis can do is use techniques to clear their airways by vibrations. One form of clearing the airways is using a vibrating vest that goes around the chest in order to attempt to loosen up the mucus so they can clear the airway. There are also medications that can help to reduce some of the problems presented with cystic fibrosis. The medications can improve things like digestion, the thickness of mucus, and aid the fighting of infections within the body. It is also advised by professionals that cystic fibrosis patients follow dietary and fitness guidelines set by experts to improve their conditions. If worst comes to worst there is a possibility of a lung transplant. No matter what preventions are used to combat this deadly disease the life of cystic fibrosis patients is stressful and there is no sure cure for this disease as of right now. This non communicable disease is one of hereditary descent and therefore cannot be prevented. There are however ways to determine if you and your partner are at risk of having offspring with cystic fibrosis. There are no telltale symptoms to tell if you have a hidden cystic fibrosis gene. If two hidden parent genes with cystic fibrosis produce an offspring it is likely the offspring will inherit both genes and contract the fatal

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