...Qualification | Unit number and title | Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business | Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | Student Name | Assessor Name | | Ms. Sonam Mehta | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 7th February 2014 | 17th April 2014 | | | Assignment title | Comparative study of Organisational Behaviour of two chosen organisations | LearningOutcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(page nos.) | LO1Understand the relationshipbetween organisationalstructure and culture | 1.1 | compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture | 1 | | | 1.2 | explain the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business | 1 | | | 1.3 | discuss the factors that affect individual behaviour at work | 2 | | LO2 Understand differentapproaches to managementand leadership | 2.1 | compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations | 3 | | | 2.2 | explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management | 3 | | | 2.3 | evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations | 3 | | LO3 Understand ways of usingmotivational theories inorganisations | 3.1 | discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change | 4 | | | 3.2 | compare the application...
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... | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 11th March 2013 | 4th April 2013 | | | | Assignment title | OB1: Culture and Management Style (1 of 3) | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Learning Outcome | Learning outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture | 1.1 | Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture | 1 | | | | 1.2 | Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of a business | 1 | | LO2 | Understand different approaches to management and leadership | 2.1 | Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations | 2 | | | | 2.2 | Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management | 2 | | | | 2.3 | Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations | 2 | | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date: | In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades | Grade Descriptor...
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... | Assessor name | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 11th March 2013 | 4th April 2013 | | Assignment title | OB1: Culture and Management Style (1 of 3) | Learning Outcome | Learning outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence (Page no) | LO1 | Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture | 1.1 | Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture | 1 | | 1.2 | Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of a business | 1 | | LO2 | Understand different approaches to management and leadership | 2.1 | Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations | 2 | | 2.2 | Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management | 2 | | 2.3 | Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations | 2 | | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date: | In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the...
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...Assignment title Your company’s environment LO2 LO3 Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: 1.1 organisational purposes of businesses Identify the purposes of different types of organisation 1 1.2 Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders 1 1.3 LO1 Learning outcome Understand the Learning Outcom e Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them 2.1 Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively 2 2.2 Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected organisation 2 Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate Understand the behaviour for oganisations in their market environment 2.3 3.1 LO4 2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples Judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation 3.3 Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities 1 Explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses 3.2 Task Evidence no. (Page no) 4.1 Discuss the significance of international trade to business organisations 4.2...
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...Division of Business | Course: HND Level 5 Business (management) | Year: 2015/16 | Student Name: | UNIT 03: Organisations and Behavior | Lecturers Name: Dr O. Shittu | Date Issued: 25th of April 2016 | Completion Date: 20th of July 2016 | Fail Pass Merit Distinction P11.1 | P21.2 | P31.3 | P41.4 | P52.1 | P62.2 | P72.3 | P82.4 | P93.1 | P103.2 | P113.3 | P123.4 | P134.1 | P144.2 | P154.3 | P164.4 | M1 | M2 | M3 | D1 | D2 | D3 | | Learning Outcomes: 1 Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture 2 Understand different approaches to management and leadership 3 Understand ways of using motivational theories in organisations 4 Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations. Comments:Assessor’s Signature:______________ Referred Date:______________ | Late: Yes No | Internal Verification: Yes No | I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no sections in copied in whole or part from any other source, unless it is explicitly identified by means of quotation mark or by means of wholly indented paragraphs. I declare that I have also acknowledged such quotations by providing detailed references in an approved format. I understand that unidentified and un-referenced copying both constitutes plagiarism which is an offence. I give my consent for my work...
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...Outcomes Covered: LO 1: Understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management LO 2: Understand how to recruit employees LO 3: Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate & retain them LO 4: Know the mechanisms for the cessation of employment GRADING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 V Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors M1 V M2 V M3 V D1 V D2 V D3 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V COMMENTS: Assessor Signature: ______________ IV COMMENTS: Date: ___/___/___ 1 Tutor Notes Key Points: Your assignment should be handed in by the deadline. The assignment must be your own work and original. All sources of reference must be included. You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar. Your name, student no and unit no should be in the footer of every page. It should bear an appropriate report structure (such as a Table of Contents, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Appendix (if necessary)). There should be clarity of expression. It should display relevant factual content and understanding of the subject, critical analysis, justifications, arguments, models, and a coherent framework etc. Wherever the use of software except Microsoft Word is required i.e. Microsoft Excel and Power point, you are required to screen shots of the step by step procedures and...
Words: 1494 - Pages: 6
...|Qualification |Unit number and title | |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (QCF) |Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | |Student name and ID number |Assessor name | | |Joseph Tawiah (Module Leader) | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | | 25th January 2016 |22nd April 2016 before midday | | |Internal Verifier | | |Assignment title | Toyota Motor Corporation | |Instructions2o |An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time. | | |You must submit one single...
Words: 4464 - Pages: 18
...assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation. Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. Evaluate the output of the process and the quality gateways. Task Evidence no. (Page no) 2.1 2.2 LO2 2.3 2.4 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility. Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. Carry out work activities meeting the operational plan through effective monitoring and control. Version 1.2 LO3 Be able to monitor appropriate systems to improve organisation al performance 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Be able to manage health and safety in the workplace 4.1 4.2 LO4 4.3 4.4 Design systems to manage and monitor quality standards specified by the organisation. Demonstrate a quality culture to ensure continuous monitoring,...
Words: 2209 - Pages: 9
...Outcomes Covered: LO1. Be able to compile marketing audits LO2. Understand the main barriers to marketing planning LO3. Be able to formulate a marketing plan for a product or service LO4. Understand ethical issues in marketing GRADING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors AC1.1 √ AC1.2 √ AC1.3 √ AC1.4 √ AC2.1 √ AC2.2 √ AC3.1 √ AC3.2 √ AC3.3 √ AC3.4 √ AC3.5 √ Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors AC4.1 √ AC4.2 √ AC4.3 √ M1 √ M2 √ M3 √ D1 √ D2 √ D3 √ Assessor: ___/___/___ Signature: ______________ Date: January 2015 Semester 1 Tutor Notes Key Points: Answer All questions in this assignment Your assignment/report should be submitted by the deadline. The assignment must be your own work and original in all answers to the tasks. All sources used should be correctly referenced in Harvard format. You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar before submitting your work. The London School of Business and Management Cover sheet should be used in every submitted work. An appropriate report structure should be used, which may include headings such as: Table of Contents, Introduction, Discussion/Evaluation, Conclusions, References and Appendices (if necessary). There should be clarity of expression in your work. Your work should demonstrate, for example, relevant factual content and understanding of the subject, critical analysis, evaluation, justifications, key arguments, correct use of appropriate models/framework etc. Submission Regulations...
Words: 1559 - Pages: 7
...encouraged to use real life examples and/or the scenario provided below. There is not set format for this report. However, like all business report you should have an introduction and a conclusion. Scenarios A Coca-Cola Great Britain People often assume that The Coca-Cola Company bottles and distributes its own beverages. For the most part, it does not. The Company's primary business consists of manufacturing and selling beverage concentrates and syrups - as well as some finished beverages - to bottling and canning operations and other distributors. The concentrates and syrups are generally sold to bottling partners, which are authorised to manufacture, distribute and sell branded products. Every organisation has not only a structure but also a culture....
Words: 2707 - Pages: 11
...BANKING ACADEMY OF VIETNAMBTEC HND IN BUSINESS (ACCOUNTING)ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET | NAME OF STUDENT | Pham Thi Thuy Dung – Suzy Walker | REGISTRATION NO. | F05 - 043 | UNIT TITLE | Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | ASSIGNMENT TITLE | Prudential and USS Olympia (SSN-717) | ASSIGNMENT NO | 1 of 2 | NAME OF ASSESSOR | | SUBMISSION DEADLINE | 31st October,2013 | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I, _______Suzy Walker__________ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied or plagiarized from any source. I have referenced the sources from which information is obtained by me for this assignment. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ _______31/10/2013______ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Signature Date ------------------------------------------------- Assignment Received By: Date: Assignment...
Words: 608 - Pages: 3
...Issued : Date Due : Date of Submission: Date Issued : Date Due : Date of Submission: Unit Assessment Information Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Business Management Unit Code & Title : QCF/ H/601/0551 Unit 03/ Organizations and Behaviour Assessment Title & No’s : Learning outcomes and grading opportunities: LO 01: Understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture | Learning Outcomes | LO1.1 | LO1.2 | LO1.3 | | | | | LO 02: Understand different approaches to management and leadership | Learning Outcomes | LO2.1 | LO2.2 | LO2.3 | | | | | LO 03: Understand ways of using motivational theories in organizations | Learning Outcomes | LO3.1 | LO3.2 | LO3.3 | | | | | LO 04: Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organizations | Learning Outcomes | LO4.1 | LO4.2 | LO4.3 | | | | | Merit and Distinction Descriptor | M1 | M2 | M3 | D1 | D2 | D3 | | | | | Unit Assessment Information Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Business Management Unit Code & Title : QCF/ H/601/0551 Unit 03/ Organizations and Behaviour Assessment Title & No’s : Learning outcomes and grading opportunities: LO 01:...
Words: 2027 - Pages: 9
...students are encouraged to use real life examples and/or the scenario provided below. There is not set format for this report. However, like all business report you should have an introduction and a conclusion. Scenarios A Coca-Cola Great Britain People often assume that The Coca-Cola Company bottles and distributes its own beverages. For the most part, it does not. The Company's primary business consists of manufacturing and selling beverage concentrates and syrups - as well as some finished beverages - to bottling and canning operations and other distributors. The concentrates and syrups are generally sold to bottling partners, which are authorised to manufacture, distribute and sell branded products. Every organisation has not only a structure but also a culture. 'Culture' describes the typical way an...
Words: 2757 - Pages: 12
...ASSIGNMENT (Identify all criteria to be assessed in this assignment) Achieved Pass Criteria LO1 1.2 1.1 1.3 2.1 LO2 2.2 2.3 3.1 LO3 3.2 3.3 D1 Distinction Criteria D2 4.1 LO4 4.2 4.3 Original Submission Re submission Grade Achieved M1 Merit Criteria M2 M3 D3 Original Submission On resubmission AUTHENTICITY STATEMENT I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment in any other course or unit at this or any other institution SIGNATURE: ……………………………………….. DATE:……………………….. This assessment brief has been internally verified for use. Internal Verifier Name Mrs. N D Samarakoon & Signature : Date Verified Lead Internal Verifier Name & Signature : Date Verified 10.03.2015 OB – Final Assignment | Page 1 of 9 Higher National Diploma in Business (Management & HRM) ILO Description Comment LO1.1 compare and contrast different organisational...
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...soft HRM, hard HRM Human resource planning: planning eg the creation of the human resource plan, analysing demand and supply, internal and external factors influencing human resource planning, human resource planning in a changing environment LO2 Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses Employee relations: unionisation eg structure, culture, collective bargaining, negotiation, consultation; employee participation, involvement and conflict management, empowerment; grievance procedures, disciplinary procedures Employment law: employment legislation eg Employment Relations Act, Employment Rights Act; equal opportunities; contracts of employment including termination eg resignations,redundancy procedure, ill health retirements, retirement, dismissal, maternity and paternity rights, parental leave; tribunals, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service(ACAS) LO3 Understand the recruitment and selection process Recruitment: effects eg factors affecting the labour market, organisational needs analysis, job analysis, job design, organisational needs, job descriptions, person specifications, methods of recruitment advertising Selection: process eg selection methods and practices, barriers to effective selection, evaluating recruitment and selection processes, application form design, applicant information packs, shortlisting, interview methods, interviewing...
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