...Justice, Human Rights, and the Natural Environment (i.e. various published articles and unpublished essays that are components of this work that will either be put on ERES or emailed to you; there’s nothing to buy) David Schweickart, After Capitalism John Rawls, The Law of Peoples Thomas Pogge & Keith Horton (ed.), Global Ethics: Seminal Essays Thomas Pogge & Darrel Moellendorf (ed.), Global Justice: Seminal Essays Will Kymlicka, Politics in the Vernacular (Optional) E-Reserve Essays are in: Phil. 340 E-Reserves: Password = “war” Phil. 338 E-Reserves: Password = “endangered” Phil. 462 E-Reserves: Password = “worldpeace” A. Essays by Rodney G. Peffer (Peffer) B. Marxism, Morality, and Social Justice (MMSJ) I –XXI (Essays) = Essays by other authors divided into Sections All ERES Readings are in my Phil. 462 ERES unless noted otherwise. * = An important component of my next book. Jan. 26 General Introduction to Course Jan. 31 Basics of Political Philosophy/ Peffer’s Theory of Social Justice The following 6 short essays by me are in the “Introductory Materials” sub-folder of the “Essays by Rodney G. Peffer” folder of my Phil. 462 ERES. R.G. Peffer *“On the Nature of Morality” (Peffer – 3) (4th essay from bottom) “ “ “ "Main Types of Moral Theories" (Peffer - 1) " " " "Is Morality Relative?" (Peffer - 3) (or via email) “ “ " "Main...
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...1 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL REPORT ON CANDIDATES’ WORK IN THE CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION MAY/JUNE 2007 HISTORY Copyright © 2007 Caribbean Examinations Council ® St Michael Barbados All rights reserved 2 HISTORY CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONS MAY/JUNE 2007 GENERAL COMMENTS The format of the Examination in CAPE History is similar for both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Paper 01 in each unit consisted of nine short-answer questions, three on each Module. The questions were intended to assess the range of content covered by the syllabus, and questions were set on each theme. Candidates were expected to answer all nine questions. This paper was worth 30 per cent of the candidates’ overall grade. Paper 02, on the other hand, emphasized depth of coverage. Three questions were set on each Module, one of which required candidates to analyse extracts from a set of documents related to one of the themes in the Module. The other two questions were extended essays. Both the document analysis and the essay questions required well-developed and clearly reasoned responses. Candidates were required to choose three questions, one from each Module. They were required to respond to one document analysis and two essay questions. This paper contributed 50 per cent to the candidates’ overall grade. Paper 03, was the internal assessment component. Candidates were required to complete a research paper on a topic of their choice from within the syllabus. This paper contributed...
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...3/27/13 Dashman Company WriteWork Essays & Writing Guides for Students Worried about plagiarism? Read this. Login | Help Essay Topics Area & Country Studies Essays (1,432) Art Essays (7,007) Businesss Research Papers (18,264) Humanities Essays (11,304) Literature Research Papers (31,867) History Term Papers (13,753) Law & Government Essays (5,824) Science Essays (9,902) Social Science Essays (16,816) Writing Guides How to write a book report How to write a research paper How to write an essay Search Search over 115,000 essays Go Worried about plagiarism? Get ideas & start writing References & research topics How to outline your essay Improve writing and grades Close Businesss Research Papers (18,264) › Management (5,798) › Management Planning & Decision Making (602) Dashman Company Essay by elgonzz, University, Master's, October 2008 www.writework.com/essay/dashman-company 1/6 3/27/13 Dashman Company download word file, 2 pages 5 1 reviews Downloaded 13 times Keywords plants, world war, case study, gap, bridging the gap 0 0Like 0Tweet This case study is based on the situation that prevailed in a company during the II world war. It was the period when America entered the war. The Dashman Company was one of the major suppliers of equipments to the US. Armed Forces. As a result of forecast in the purchase made by the20 units which worked as an autonomous body, Mr. Post was appointed to coordinate the purchasing activity by Mr. Mason, the president of...
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...Introduction In July 2, 1961, our literacy world was surprised when “A man is not made for defeat ... a man can be destroyed but not defeated”, Ernest Hemiway, was suicide by his shotgun. For sixty-two years, being a great journalist, a soldier and a great writer, Hemingway sang the praise of courageous and extoled human values through his visual experience of the Great War. A Farewell to Arms (1929) – The World War I experience For Whom the Bells Toll (1940) – The Spanish Civil War The Oldman and the Sea (1952) – Ernest Hemingway’s war. (Life’s struggle) This paper will focus on three different wars in Ernest Hemingway’s time frame by concentrate his life style and its influence on writing emotion through his way to the Nobel Prize. Body I. Early Life A. Birth Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in the family which father is the doctor and mother is a former opera singer. During his childhood, he loved sports, hunting and fishing at the family’s summer house at Walloon Lake, Michigan. He was a talented writer, even when he was teenager, he always kept note fill with his thought and observation about the world around him. Hemingway fear his mother. As Martha Gellhorn, Hemingway’s third wife wrote “Deep in Ernest, due to his mother, going back to the indestructible first memories of childhood, was mistrust and fear of women” (http://www.salon.com/2006/08/12/gellhorn.html) B. Family His father, Clarence Edmonds Hemingway, a doctor, and his mother, Grace...
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...The SAT Essay: Building a Repertoire of Examples The SAT essay is intended to measure your writing skills, not your knowledge of any specific subject. Therefore, the essay prompts given on the SAT must be fairly open-ended, so that anyone with a highschool education and life experiences common to all teenagers can respond to them. Most of them deal with basic philosophical, psychological, moral, or social issues. In my experience as a teacher, I’ve seen that the biggest challenge students face in writing the SAT essay is coming up with rich and relevant examples to discuss within the twenty-five minutes you’re given for the essay section. Quite often, students end up using examples that are inappropriate or superficial, or they don’t know enough about the examples they’ve chosen to write about them in detail. The way to combat this problem is to create your own repertoire of examples that you are well prepared to write detailed paragraphs about. Then, when you read the prompt you’re given on the day of the test, you can simply choose the examples from your repertoire that are most relevant to that particular topic. (Of course, this method isn’t fullproof; it may happen that you are unfortunate enough to get a topic that your prepared examples aren’t really appropriate for. If that’s the case, don’t try to force your examples to fit the topic. The process of coming up with these examples and writing several practice essays will also help you learn how to come up with new examples...
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...Liberty University INNOVATIONS DURING WORLD WAR II Arlene A. Tabron Modern American Military History HIUS 380 Professor Ritchie 21 September 2015 INNOVATIONS DURING WORLD WAR II Demise, devastation and agony. These are the words regularly connected with the idea of war. What the vast majority don’t understand is that war additionally achieves the absolute most life adjusting innovations. During World War II, various creations changed the war’s course and the future of the world. The most critical s and feelings of were RADAR/SONAR, computerized hardware, elastic, and the nuclear bomb. The primary driver of World War II were nationalistic strains, uncertain issue and feelings of hatred coming about because of World War I. The events that prompted the war’s episode are for the most part comprehended to be the 1939 attack of Poland by Germany and Soviet Russia and the 1937 intrusion of the Republic of China by the Empire of Japan. These Military Hostilities were the after effect of choices made by dictator administering Nazi elite in Germany and by the administration of the Kwantung Army in Japan World War II began after these forceful activities were met with authority presentation of war as well as equipped resistance. (1) The reason the United States entered the Second World War was a direct result of the surprise attack on their Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Oahu at 7:55 am on December 7, 1941. The Empire of Japan submitted a shock assault upon the United...
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...Monday 10:00 am ( I would prefer this by tonight 10pm) Discussion question # 1: not an Essay - a couple paragraphs discussing the following. The Cold War ran from the end of World War II in 1945 to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. That is a lot of history, and a great many events occurred in the world during those 44 years. One of them, but only one of them, is the proxy war that we call the Vietnam War. There was always a danger that a rather low-level proxy war could escalate and even rise to the level of nuclear confrontation and war. The dangers were perceived as great – that the Cold War could get hot and out of control. To start, what other events of the Cold War years fit this idea of “proxy war?” What kind of steps did world leaders take to keep Cold War proxy wars from heating up? What were such leaders thinking? Due on Monday 10:00am ( I would prefer this by tonight 10pm) Discussion question #2: not an Essay - a couple paragraphs disccing the following. Not long before the Vietnam War is considered to have started – around the time period we focus on this class week, 1963 and 1964 – Dag Hammarskjøld of Sweden was serving as Secretary General of the United Nations. He is quoted to have said, “Peacekeeping is not a soldier’s job, but only a soldier can do it.” This quote is often the driving logic behind what came to be known as mlitary operations other than war. With the years prior to this week’s discussions, American forces in southern...
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...code in the subject line. First class: Last class: 7 January 2016 7 April 2016 NOTE: No class meeting on 18 February 2016 due to Reading Week cuLearn: On-line components of this course will be managed through cuLearn. Please visit the cuLearn site at least once a week to receive the most current information pertaining to the scheduling of the course and required readings. Course objectives: International institutions have come to play an increasingly important role in global politics in the last century. Arguably the most prominent of these institutions is the United Nations (UN). Established in 1945 and in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the UN’s Charter set out the rights and obligations of Member States, and pledged to: “save succeeding generations from the scourges of war”; “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights”; promote “respect for the obligations arising from treaties”; and “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. A brief review of the state of the international system 70 years later, however, has led many to conclude that the UN is incapable of realizing its Charter ideals, and that the organization itself, and the very promise of global governance, is irrelevant. Indeed, challenges in peace and security, development and human rights have repeatedly underlined...
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...tAccess to History Online Edexcel Unit 1 – E3/F3 The Collapse of the Liberal State and the Triumph of Fascism in Italy, 1896–1943 Edexcel – AS GCE Unit 1: Historical Themes in Breadth Option E and F E3/F3 The Collapse of the Liberal State and the Triumph of Fascism in Italy, 1896–1943 General Advice for Unit 1 General Advice for Unit 1 Approaching Unit 1 Unit 1 answers require you to produce a reasoned, analytical essay that comes to a judgement as to extent, significance, importance etc. To reach a Level 5 answer of 25–30 marks you need to write an evaluative or integrated essay that answers the essay question set, showing direct understanding and backed up by detailed, accurate supporting evidence spread across the time period specified. You will almost certainly need to achieve at least one High Level 4 and a Level 5 answer to gain an A grade. Most candidates produce an essay which provides some of the above qualities but not all, achieving at least Level 3 (starting at 13 marks). You will almost certainly need to produce two Level 3 answers to gain an E grade. The key to gaining a good grade is to try to produce an essay with all the required qualities. However, before you can write your essay it is essential that you know your topic. In the specification (exam guidelines) each topic is divided into four bullet points across a specified period of time. You need to revise all the information for your topic because the questions asked can be about the whole topic...
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...Response to Terrorism Essay Question / Thesis: According to the American Heritage Dictionary, terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Has global terrorism escalated to an extent so that the ethical response to extremism is no longer a viable alternative; forcing global intervention and the active use of extreme measures in the name of peace keeping? Annotated Bibliography: Source #1: Cook, Martin L., Dr. “Ethical Issues in Counterterrorism Warfare.” Ethical Issues in Counterterrorism Warfare. Santa Clara University, Sept. 2001. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. <http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/ethicalperspectives/cook.html> The author of this essay, Dr. Martin L. Cook, is an Elihu Root Professor of Military Science and a Professor of Ethics under the Department of Command, Leadership and Management at the U.S. Army War College. Under the guidance of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, U.S. Army, Cook was asked to prepare this paper. Prior to his current position, Cook engaged his professional expertise at the Santa Clara University and taught under in the Department of Religious Studies. Cook’s paper first states that as a result of the recent September 11th, 2001 attacks pertaining to the Pentagon (Washington D.C) and the World Trade Center (New York...
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...as examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs and are not intended to be in any way prescriptive. It is in editable word format to make adaptation as easy as possible. These schemes of work give guidance for: * Content to be covered * Approximate time to spend on different key themes * Ideas for incorporating and developing the assessment skills related to each unit. Suggested teaching time This is based on a two year teaching course of five and a half terms with one and a half hours of history teaching each week. This would be a seventy week course with total teaching time of approximately 100 hours. The schemes suggest the following timescale for the different sections: * Paper 1: 20 hours for each of the two topics: Total 40 hours. * Paper 2 Section A: 20 hours for the topic: Total 20 hours. * Paper 2 Section B: 25 hours for the topic since it covers a longer period in time. Total 25 hours. * Revision: 15 hours. Possible options for those with less teaching time * 20 hours for Section Paper 2 Section B * 10 hours for revision. Other course planning support You will find other support for planning the course in the Teacher’s Guide. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at www.edexcel.com/certificate. Edexcel Subject Advisors Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email...
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...1915, The Voyage Out, first novel [pic] In The Voyage Out, one of Woolf's wittiest, socially satirical novels, Rachel Vinrace embarks for South America on her father's ship, and is launched on a course of self-discovery in a modern version of the mythic voyage. As a ship makes its way to an exotic location in South America, a young woman begins her own journey inward in Virginia Woolf’s 1915 novel The Voyage Out. Rachel Vinrace is traveling far away from her home in London. Her fellow passengers are a fascinating and motley assortment of members of Edwardian society whose lives and relationships reveal much about the world from which they come. Through witty comedy and stark tragedy, Woolf examines such themes as family, culture, and the individual in this remarkable portrait of modern life. Its unique and lyrical style, which has garnered the novel praise since its first publication, adds an artistic dimension to this surprisingly current novel. Indeed,The Voyage Out is a beautiful and telling work about self and society that rings as true today as in 1915. 1919, Night and Day [pic] [pic] Originally published in 1919, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives of four major characters while examining the relationships between love, marriage, happiness, and success. Like Virginia Woolf's first novel The Voyage Out, Night and Day is a more traditional narrative than her later novels. Unlike her first novel, however, Night and...
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...Since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak became the sixth Prime Minister, he introduced a concept of solidarity, which is One Malaysia. It is not a new concept. In fact, he states that it is the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime ministers of this nation with a different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. In the other words, he updated the concept which is brought by the previous Malaysian leaders. The Prime Minister also states that the 1 Malaysia concept is the guideline on how to achieve bangsa Malaysia, which translates into English as a “Malaysian race”. Nowadays, certain of Malaysian citizens sort theirselves according by their races. Thus, it will lacerate the solidarity and create a gap between races. Furthermore, some of our people are only socialize with their own race and they were unlikely to be friendly to the other races. These factors are also adapted into our local economy sectors. For an example, The Chinese employer will only hire chinese employees to work in their company. As a result, Chinese are now dominating the commercial fields in Malaysia. Plus, it also caused other race such as Malay and Indian to have less opportunity to work in this field. Besides, it also causes our country become divisible and are not completely united. With this One Malaysia concept, it helps to terminate this bad perspective and reunite the human races in Malaysia. This idea consists of two aspects, the application of solidarity...
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...appreciate its core meaning and could link it to the status quo in any named community. Certain techniques, styles and structures are implemented by many famous artists in order to construct this art into a form that typifies them as artists and gives them their unique signature. (heghine666 2011) One specific artist has been largely famous for his controversial and unique forms of art, he is known by the alias “Banksy” who uses graffiti street art as a structure for his unique form of art. Banksy is arguably the most well-known street artist in the world. Some pieces of his urban graffiti art, with its distinctive stencil style, have been sold at auctions for remarkable amounts of money, but most importantly, he has inspired many people around the world for having pieces which touches upon sensitive and core social, political and economic situations in life that many people can easily relate to. His name, style, and brand of urban anti-war, anti-establishment, and rebellious art have earned him a place in the hearts of many who appreciates it. The two primary reasons that Banksy's street art stands out from the multitude of other graffiti we see every day is that, first and foremost, Banksy is a genuine artist and more importantly his art actually says something to us. (http://www.squidoo.com/banksy-girl-with-balloon) Banksy’s controversial art portrays symbols that often cannot be expressed in words, and exposes a message that can inspire an individual or an...
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...1 The Foundations of International Society 2013-2014 Part I: Politics 2 (International Relations I) Paper organiser: Professor Christopher Hill (POLIS): Room 105, Alison Richard Building Email: cjh68@cam.ac.uk Lecturers: Professor Hill (CH), Dr Elisabetta Brighi (EB), Dr Aaron Rapport (AR) and Dr Stefano Recchia (SR). Aims and Objectives The course aims to introduce students to the subject of International Relations (IR), whose main focus is the nature of politics at the international level. Students will acquire the empirical and conceptual foundations needed to understand a world political system which cannot be accurately described as either pure anarchy or a coherent form of ‘global governance’. The starting point is the notion of ‘international society’, which refers to the set of institutions and common procedures generated by states over the last three and a half centuries in their attempts to achieve some minimal form of co-existence, but which has gradually evolved to include many non-state actors and different levels of activity – diplomatic, economic and cultural, as well as that of military competition. By the end of the course you should be able to have an informed discussion about: the historical origins of the present system; what is distinctive about international politics as opposed to politics inside the state; and the main challenges which confront humanity in the twenty-first century. You will also acquire a basic familiarity with the main theories needed...
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