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DNP Nurse: Understanding Necessary Components

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1. Discuss why it is important for DNP nurse leaders to understand essential budget components. Pick the three budgeting "key words" or concepts from Waxman that you think are the most influential or most important and provide a rationale as to why.

The DNP nurse leader is expected to know how to plan and monitor the organization budget which can help in identifying wasteful expenditures, adapt quickly to financial situational changes, and achieve financial goals. From past experiences a well-planned out budget will help you actually see the breakdown of your expenses.

The 3 most influential essential budgeting components are cost-center direct work and census.

According to Waxman (2013) cost center is defined a department or other unit within an organization to which costs may be charged for accounting purposes. This is important because this is how much it would cost a unit to be fully functional. The cost center does not directly add to profit but still costs the organization money to operate (Waxman, 2013).

Direct work is also another important essential budgeting component. According to Waxman (2013) direct work is defined as the amount of actually hands on labor …show more content…
The average readmission for heart failure was 24.3% based on my findings and the national average is 22.0%. Suggestions that may improve or decrease readmission rates are better discharge planning and reinforcing patient education. I have been forced to discharge patients that were not ready for discharge because the emergency room was filled with patients. Patient education is another thing that can be reinforced because many times the patient goes home with medications that they have no clue why they are taking it or they start to feel better and do not follow the recommended treatment

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