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DWI Conviction Research Paper

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Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious crime in Kansas City. There is a zero-tolerance policy for people convicted of DWI. You have to keep this in mind that if you are caught driving while intoxicated and if you are caught, a DWI conviction can negatively affect every facet of your life.

First, a DWI conviction can result in jail time. If you contest the charges, you have to be prepared for putting in a lot of time and money into this. And that is just the beginning. Once you are released from jail, you will have this conviction on your record and will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to find a job or get credit. The chances of being able to get funding for college or government housing will also be minimal.

If you are facing a DWI charge, the first thing you need to do is seek legal counsel. Your goal should be to use their assistance to build some kind of defense that would minimize your penalties. In any case, DWI is a serious charge and is associated with serious penalties.

Penalties for First-Time DWI Conviction
If this is your first conviction for a DWI in Kansas City, then you will be charged with a …show more content…
You can lose your license, have a criminal record and face significant monetary penalties and jail time. You will also have to complete the substance abuse traffic offender program before your license can be reinstated. If your blood alcohol level was very high, the judge will make sure that you complete an intervention program that will educate you on alcohol-related driving. The aim of this program is to make sure that you are fully aware of the consequence of driving while intoxicated.

Remember without a car license, you will not be able to work and with a felony record you will not get a job; your car insurance will be exorbitant and if you killed or injured someone, you can face a civil lawsuit that could potentially damage your financial status for

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