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How Airplanes Changed The World

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How Airplanes Changed the World

It's the year 1902, and you want to visit your friend in England. There's just one problem. You live in Virginia! Well, let's look at your travel options. Boat, boat, boat, boat, or boat? Let's say you choose boat. With this boat, it will take you anywhere from 47-138 days to get there. Maybe visiting England isn't the best idea after all. 115 years later, your descendant has the same idea. Easy, they just hop on an airplane and arrive in just eight hours! Airplanes are said to be the greatest invention of the 1900s. They have improved long distance travel, military transport, and combat. It all started with two brothers and a big idea. Airplane History …show more content…
Success didn't just come naturally though. It took almost eight years to develop "The Flyer," the name they gave to it. Still, that flight only lasted about 12 seconds. A later flight on that same day got up to 59 seconds, but that was the longest it went. Despite its short time in the air, that plane revolutionized life as we knew it. Five years later, the Wright brothers signed a contract to build the first military plane after developing one that could go for an hour and a half. It wasn't until September 18, 1947 that the Air Force was founded. The Air Force is a branch of the military specifically focused on planes. Now that military planes were becoming popular, people got the idea to use them to travel. Commercial Airlines were born. They first became popular in the late 50s. Now airplanes are a regular part of everyday

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