...Mathematics learning performance and Mathematics learning difficulties in China Ningning Zhao Promotor: Prof. Dr. Martin Valcke Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. Annemie Desoete Proefschrift ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Doctor in de Pedagogische Wetenschappen 2011 This Ph.D research project was funded by Ghent University BOF Research Grant (BOF07/DOS/056) Acknowledgements There is still a long and indistinct way and I will keep on going to explore the unknown. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 - Qu Yuan (340-278 BC) This dissertation would not have been possible unless so many persons contributed to it. The first person I should give my gratitude is Prof. dr. Cong Lixin in Beijing Normal University. It is she who recommanded me to my promoter - Prof. dr. Martin Valcke. Based on the cooperation contact between the two universities, I have the opportunity to start my journey in Ghent University. The fantasty journey started from Year 2007 gudided by the Prof. dr. Martin Valcke. I am heartily thankful to my promoter Prof. dr. Martin Valcke and my co-promotor Prof. dr. Annemie Desoete, whose encouragement, supervision and support from the preliminary to the concluding level enabled me to carry on the research project. My deepest gratitude is to Prof. dr. Martin Valcke. I am not a smart student who always give him so much revision work. It is extremely fortunate for me to have a promoter who is characterized by energy...
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...Pedro Garvan TAREA VIRTUAL 2 Pregunta 1 Una mujer quiere usar leche y jugo de naranja para incrementar la cantidad de calcio y vitamina A en su dieta diaria. Una onza de leche contiene 37 miligramos de calcio y 57 miligramos de vitamina A. Una onza de jugo de naranja contiene 5 miligramos de calcio y 65 miligramos de vitamina A. ¿Cuántas onzas de leche y jugo de naranja debería la mujer tomar cada día para consumir exactamente 500 miligramos de calcio y 1200 miligramos de vitamina A? | | CALORIAS | VITAMINA A | | | | | | 1 onza leche | 37 | 57 | | 1 onza jugo | 5 | 65 | | | | | | x: onzas de leche | | | | y: onzas de jugo | | | | | | | (-5) | 37X+57Y=500 | | | (x37) | 5X + 65Y=1200 | | | | -185X-285Y=-2500 | | | | 185x+2405y=44400 | | | | 2120Y=41900 | | | | y=19.76 | | | | | | | | Reemplazando: | | | | | | | | 5X+6Y=1200 | | | | 5x=1200-65(19.76) | | | | X=-16.88 | | | | | | | | "x" no puede ser negativo | | Pregunta 2 (5 puntos) El costo marginal (Cmg) se define como el cambio del costo total (CT) ante el cambio de una unidad en el nivel de producción (Q). Si, se pide: 3Q2 -8Q+2 a) Encontrar la tasa de cambio mencionada cuando Q = 10 usando el método del límite y el método de la derivada. Derivando: | | | | | | - Método Limites | | | | | CT(q) | =6q-8 | | | | | d(q) | | | | | | | | | | | | CT(q) | =6(10)-8 |...
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...1. Psychological Egoism All forms of egoism require explication of “self-interest” (or “welfare” or “well-being”). There are two main theories. Preference or desire accounts identify self-interest with the satisfaction of one's desires. Often, and most plausibly, these desires are restricted to self-regarding desires. What makes a desire self-regarding is controversial, but there are clear cases and counter-cases: a desire for my own pleasure is self-regarding; a desire for the welfare of others is not. Objective accounts identify self-interest with the possession of states (such as virtue or knowledge) that are valued independently of whether they are desired. Hedonism, which identifies self-interest with pleasure, is either a preference or an objective account, according to whether what counts as pleasure is determined by one's desires. Psychological egoism claims that each person has but one ultimate aim: her own welfare. This allows for action that fails to maximize perceived self-interest, but rules out the sort of behavior psychological egoists like to target — such as altruistic behavior or motivation by thoughts of duty alone. It allows for weakness of will, since in weakness of will cases I am still aiming at my own welfare; I am weak in that I do not act as I aim. And it allows for aiming at things other than one's welfare, such as helping others, where these things are a means to one's welfare. Psychological egoism is supported by our frequent observation of...
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...T.L.E Mark Anthiny Osting COMPUTER Mark Anthony Osting I. Introduction Marriage is far more profound than our contemporary culture would lead us to believe. It is a life-long commitment that restrains self-centeredness, self-indulgence and self-gratification. It is the one relationship that effectively prepares and conditions us for community. By restraining self-centeredness and promoting love of another, marriage becomes the foundation for social order. When this commitment labeled “marriage” is reduced to nothing more than a mere contract between two consenting persons, or worse just another option, it ceases to restrain our self-centered passions. Self-centeredness harms not only that relationship but also others as well until it spreads throughout society like ripples in a pond. Abandoning the “others before self” concept of marriage for the self-serving concept of contractual relationships between autonomous individuals makes us increasingly narcissistic, ultimately leading toward moral and social collapse. II. Questions A * Where did you meet each other? * How many children do you have? * Where did you married? * Who supported to your marriage? Answers: * Kami ay nagkakilala sa Taiwan at magkasama kami sa trabaho. Ang trabaho naming doon ay bilang English teachers. * Isa lang ang aming anak. Pangalan niya ay si Jarriet dahil sa aming panagalan na John at...
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...* БЪДЕТЕ АКТИВНИ И В ДОБРА ФОРМА ЗА НОВИЯ СЕЗОН 1. Настъпването на есента и студените месеци не бива да ни лишават от физическа активност. Напротив, това трябва да ни стимулира допълнително. Октомври е месецът, в които всеки организъм започва да трупа повече телесна мазнина и да се подготвя за зимата. Ето защо сега е времето да започнем активно да спортуваме, за да сме тонизирани и здрави през цялата зима. 2. Къде и какво е най-подходящо да спортувате през зимните месеци? 3. Гимнастика или фитнес в домашни условия Гимнастиката и фитнеса в домашни условия е предпочитан и все по популярен начин за поддържане на добра форма. За повечето хора е трудно да намерят нужното време и мотивация за активни физически упражнения навън, което е свързано и с допълнително време и разходи. За това тези занимания са предпочитани от мнозина през есента и зимата. Фитнес у дома може да практикува всеки и да започне веднага. 4. Какво е необходимо за да практикувате фитнес у дома? 5. Нужни са само малко, но важни аксесоари и пособия, воля и постоянство, а резултатите ще са видими само две седмици след активни занимания. 6. Кардио уред – велоергометър, кростренажор или бягаща пътека 7. За мнозина това са уреди, които са напълно достатъчни за цялостна тренировка, но това не винаги е така. Велоергометърът или кростренажорът имат фукцията да загравят тялото преди основните занимания. 10-15 мин. са достатъчни за да раздвижим кръвта на цялото тяло и да го подготвим...
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...Dreaming I'm thinking of you tonight And there's nothing that I want more Than to be by your side And let you grab so tight to me As you whisper the words good night to me Late at night I love you, it's true You mean everything to me Words cannot explain how I feel I must be dreaming when I'm awake Your heart is fixing me Without saying anything My worries fall like rain As these melodies run through your veins Let me take you far - just hold onto me And we'll take this world and you will see That in the end, I'll be there for you I love you, it's true You mean everything to me Words cannot explain how I feel I must be dreaming when I'm awake There's a sunshine floating I see clearly now So clearly now There's so much more That I hoped I'd ever find I love you, it's true You mean everything to me Words cannot explain how I feel I must be dreaming when I'm awake Echos My minds at erase And my thoughts are done Ive been meaning to tell you this Since my lies begun The way I feel inside Reflects of the souls in your eyes Ive been meaning to tell you this All of my life To think of who I am Shows much of what you were too Slowly I realize Ill be fine without you I gave you your chances And you just put them aside To find out too late Of who I am inside Show me yourself come show me who you are These are the times we wish it never went this far Hidden by your words oh god please let me see How someone plays with...
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...Test adaada dadada adada adada adada ada Brown, P. (2004). Promoting work/life balance in a ‘hurry culture’: Issues and challenges. Retrieved March 14, 2005, from Griffith University website: www.gu.edu.au/ins/collections/proflects/brownp04.pdf Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life. New York: Harper Collins. Duxbury, L. & Higgins, C. (2003). Work–life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: A status report (Final Report). Retrieved March 23, 2005, from www.hc-sc.gc.ca/pphb-dgspsp/publicat/worktravail/report2/ Duxbury, L., & Higgins, C. (2001). Work-life balance in the new millennium: Where are we? Where do we need to go? Retrieved on March 23, 2005 from: www.cprn.org/en/doc.cfm?doc=52 Haché, L., Redekopp, D. E., & Jarvis, P. S. (2000). Blueprint for life/work design. Memramcook, NB: National Life/Work Centre. Hassen, F. (2004). Sleep deprivation: Effects on safety, health and the quality of life. Retrieved February 25, 2005, from www.cameraguild.com/safety/sleep-deprivation.htm Hill E. J., Hawkins, A. J., Ferris, M., & Weitzman, M. (2001). Finding an extra day a week: The positive influence of perceived job flexibility on work and family life balance. Family Relations, 50(1), 49. Honore, C. (2004). In praise of slowness. San Francisco: Harper. Isherwood, C., & Cajic, N. (1998, November). Burnout-proofing your employees. Training Report. Retrieved on March 23, 2005...
Words: 339 - Pages: 2
...Computerized Grading System ( Chapter 1 & 3 ) 1. 1. Computerized Grading System for Metropolitan Academy of Manila Christelle Joy Barreno, Amanda Arevalo, Anderson Emmanuel Abundo, and Chriselle Laput 2. 2. Page 2 1.0Introduction People nowadays are living in an information age dependent upon digital information. Digital information is electronic information, the result of computer processing. Every type of job relies upon getting information, using it, managing it, and relaying information to others. Computers enable the efficient processing and storage of information. A grading system plays a key role in the management system of any school. But, such systems do not often relate expectations, outcomes, and performance. As each student desires to achieve a good score for each assignment, exam, project and/or report, the whole process adds heavy workload for teachers in order to make their evaluation fair, comprehensive, and accurate. From the faculty perspective, these are necessary to avoid disagreement from students and parents. A computerized grading system is a highly desirable addition to the educational tool-kit, particularly when it can provide less effort and a more effective and timely outcome. Grading systems are designed to provide incentives for achievement and assist in identifying problem areas of a student. It is the most commonly used means of analyzing student performance, talents and skills. Students’ grades are vital information needed in advancing...
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...A Clockwork Orange (UK Version) Anthony Burgess Introduction A Clockwork Orange I first published the novella A Clockwork Orange in 1962, which ought to be far enough in the past for it to be erased from the world's literary memory. It refuses to be erased, however, and for this the film version of the book made by Stanley Kubrick may be held chiefly responsible. I should myself be glad to disown it for various reasons, but this is not permitted. I receive mail from students who try to write theses about it or requests from Japanese dramaturges to turn It into a sort of Noh play. It seems likely to survive, while other works of mine that I value more bite the dust. This is not an unusual experience for an artist. Rachmaninoff used to groan because he was known mainly for a Prelude in C Sharp Minor which he wrote as a boy, while the works of his maturity never got into the programmes. Kids cut their pianistic teeth on a Minuet in G which Beethoven composed only so that he could detest it. I have to go on living with A Clockwork Orange, and this means I have a sort of authorial duty to it. I have a very special duty to it in the United States, and I had better now explain what this duty is. Let me put the situation baldly. A Clockwork Orange has never been published entire in America. The book I wrote is divided into three sections of seven chapters each. Take out your pocket calculator and you will find that these add up to a total of twenty-one chapters. 21 is the symbol...
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