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Submitted By jiyajiya
Words 570
Pages 3
Company overview
Apple Inc. is an American Multinational Corporation engaged in designing and markets Consumer electronics, software and personal computers, was established on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California and incorporated January 3, 1977, the company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc. for its first 30 years, but In 2007, the word ‘computer’was dropped and then teh business became the Apple Inc. Apple employs nearly 34,300 full time employees and 2,500 temporary full time employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of $42.91 billion in its Fiscal year ending September 26, 2009.
Apple with its unique and aesthetic design and advertising and has earned a unique reputation in the consumer electronics. The company’s product line includes famous products ranging from Macintosh (Mac, the line of personal computers), iPhone ( line of high tech smart phones), iPad, and the iPod (line of personal music players). This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand, particularly in the United States. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world in 2008, 2009, and 2010. With the expansion in global business environment, Apple Inc experienced increase in market cap in 2010, which pushed down the biggest rival of the business- Microsoft and became the world’s biggest technology company.

Company History
The present apple Inc was founded by three men in the USA , namely Steve Jobs, Steve Woznaik and Ronald Wayne in 1976 to sell its first handmade computer called Apple I. The apple I went on sale for the first time on July 1976. After selling Apple I, the company was incorporated but without the third partner, Wayne. The business partnership first formed by friendship, has led to the formation of

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