Premium Essay

Dance 100


Submitted By matt1202
Words 485
Pages 2
Up until this point in my life, I have not had any real dance experience in my life. I have never attended any sort of dance classes, but I am excited to learn more about the art of dance in this class and add some moves to my repertoire. Although I do not have any formal dance training or experience, I love to dance socially. Attending concerts and electronic dance shows is one of the things I love to do in my spare time, and these are great situations for dancing. The types of movements in these situations usually involve the audience dancing together as a group to the beat of the music and are less focused on individual moves and dancers. I also have a lot of movement in my daily life as I try to stay active. I work out regularly and walk to class everyday.

In track, one of the events that I participated in was the long jump. There are a lot of different movements in long jump that need to be executed at the right time and place. You start off still and begin by running and trying to gain as much speed as you can by the time you reach the pit. Right before you get to the pit, there is a line that you need to jump before. This involves a lot of timing because the difference between a good jump and a great jump can be decided by how close you get to that line. But, if you pass it you are disqualified. Positioning at this point is also key because you need to make sure your foot is directly under you instead of out in front, similar to when you are running. The next and most important step is the take off where you elevate yourself into the pit. You have to do different movements with your upper and lower body simultaneously at this point to improve your jump. There are many different techniques you can use while in the air and landing as well to try and maintain control and gain distance. If all of these movements are performed correctly, the quality of your

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