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Powwow Research Paper

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On Saturday, April 14th I went to the 104th Annual Spring Powwow at Lloyd Noble at 7 p.m. It was presented by the American Indian Student Association or AISA which is student organization that promotes Native American culture on campus. The powwow was a celebration with music and dancing where different tribes came together and passed on their own traditions from generation to generation. It wasn’t just Native Americans in the area that went to the powwow, but there were people from all over the U.S. Overall, the atmosphere was very festive. There were also volunteers showing people where to go, helping vendors, and running the dances throughout the event so it was very organized. I could tell that a lot of people in the audience were there to support their friends and family. …show more content…
I got to see all kinds of dancers from men’s northern traditional and fancy to women’s buckskin and jingle dress. The first dance that was performed was the round dance which is a social dance that everyone can participate in. The men were in the inside circle and moved clockwise around the drum. The women were in the outside circle and moved in the opposite direction. Only men played the drum and women sang one octave higher. They both sung vocables which are syllables that don’t have any meaning to them. They also danced in triple meter during the entire song and it repeated six times. The tempo stayed the same. All in all, I would describe the music as traditional because it wasn’t different from what I learned in class. Since everyone is welcome to participate in the round dance, some dancers were dressed up in their competition regalia and others were wearing their everyday clothes. Some of the dancers that were dressed up had bells on their regalia that acted like an idiophone and it contributed to making the music. I knew that the piece was over when the drumming

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