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Data & Information


Submitted By HongCC
Words 285
Pages 2
The essential components in MIS
21 century is an information era; it is very rare that one can absolutely be untouched by information and knowledge in their daily living. Many important human activities are not able to function without data, information and knowledge.
Data, information and knowledge are different from one another, yet there are interrelated to each other.

Data are unprocessed raw facts which can be either qualified and or quantified. It explains phenomenal refer to statistical observations and other recordings or collections of evidence (Chaim Zins, 2007, p.480). Data can be in numbers or text. For example, temperature currency, gender, age, body weight. Figure 1, is example of data recorded in Microsoft Excel data sheet. Figure 1
The outcome of data processing is information. Figure 2 expresses the process of how data is being transformed to information. Data which is the input when being processed such as organized, examined, analyzed, summarized it gives the output as information. Information is processed data which gives explicit meaning to its readers.

Based on Figure 1 data, after processed them, gives you the information of the percentage of a group of 24 youth, the number of times they eat fast food in a week as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 show that youth in their twenties eats fast food at least once a week there are even a small number of them (4.1%) takes fast food almost every day (6 times/ week). It gives the information about the demand of fast food among youth in their twenties. Figure 3
The average age of this group also can be obtained from the data in the excel data sheet in Figure 4. Figure 4

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