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Dating and Courtship


Submitted By chan2x
Words 320
Pages 2
Dating and courtship is a foundation for having a happy and successful marriage. Countless millions of shattered families began with wrong dating habits. These habits made proper courtship impossible. And the results have been tragic. The almost universal effects of modern dating demonstrate widespread ignorance, even on the most basic points of right dating (Eagar, 2002). Almost no one understands the real purpose of dating or of the courtship that can ensue. The next step, achieving a happy marriage, then also becomes impossible. This research paper will try to tackle some points regarding the courtship, dating and marriage to help people achieve a happy home. Dating, followed by courtship, is supposed to lead to a happy marriage. But marriage cannot be happy if it is not built on the right foundation. Most couples have no idea that the foundation of a successful marriage begins long before the wedding day. In addition, a direct by-product of the wrong foundation is that most people have no idea how to select the right mate. “Like a triangle it has three sides, if one side is taken away it would no longer be a triangle. Also in marriage there must be three elements to complete the sacred union.”(Burell, 2000, p. 105-106). Like a triangle, God has to be at the top, and at the foundation it is you and the other significant person at either side. To be close together is to be closer to God. Many have been closer together only to be hurt because God was left out of this triad relationship. This term paper contains more about the right way, steps, and process of courtship and dating. The things were truly different, and applying its contents could change your life. This study will let people unlearn the wrong principles, acquired from society and to learn and apply God’s true principles, leading to happy marriages and families!

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